Module mogptk.dataset
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import copy
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .data import Data, _is_iterable
def LoadCSV(filename, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None, **kwargs):
LoadCSV loads a dataset from a given CSV file. It loads in `x_col` as the names of the input dimension columns, and `y_col` as the names of the output columns.
filename (str): CSV filename.
x_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of X column(s) in CSV.
y_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y column(s) in CSV.
name (str, list): Name or names of data channels.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for csv.DictReader.
Returns: or mogptk.dataset.DataSet
>>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold')
<mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...>
>>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', sep=' ', quotechar='|')
<mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...>
df = pd.read_csv(filename, **kwargs)
return LoadDataFrame(df, x_col, y_col, y_err_col, name)
def LoadDataFrame(df, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None):
LoadDataFrame loads a DataFrame from pandas. It loads in `x_col` as the names of the input dimension columns, and `y_col` the names of the output columns.
df (pandas.DataFrame): The pandas DataFrame.
x_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of X column(s) in DataFrame.
y_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y column(s) in DataFrame.
y_err_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y error column(s) in DataFrame.
name (str, list of str): Name or names of data channels.
Returns: or mogptk.dataset.DataSet
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(...)
>>> LoadDataFrame(df, 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold')
<mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...>
if _is_iterable(x_col):
x_col = list(x_col)
if _is_iterable(y_col):
y_col = list(y_col)
if (not isinstance(x_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in x_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in x_col)) and not isinstance(x_col, int) and not isinstance(x_col, str):
raise ValueError("x_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings")
if (not isinstance(y_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in y_col)) and not isinstance(y_col, int) and not isinstance(y_col, str):
raise ValueError("y_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings")
if not isinstance(x_col, list):
x_col = [x_col]
if not isinstance(y_col, list):
y_col = [y_col]
if y_err_col is not None:
if _is_iterable(y_err_col):
y_col = list(y_err_col)
if (not isinstance(y_err_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_err_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in y_err_col)) and not isinstance(y_err_col, int) and not isinstance(y_err_col, str):
raise ValueError("y_err_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings")
if not isinstance(y_err_col, list):
y_err_col = [y_err_col]
if len(y_col) != len(y_err_col):
raise ValueError("y_err_col and y_col must be of the same length")
if name is None:
name = [None] * len(y_col)
if _is_iterable(name):
name = list(name)
name = [name]
if len(y_col) != len(name):
raise ValueError("y_col and name must be of the same length")
# if columns are indices, convert to column names
if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in x_col):
x_col = [df.columns[item] for item in x_col]
if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_col):
y_col = [df.columns[item] for item in y_col]
if y_err_col is not None and all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_err_col):
y_err_col = [df.columns[item] for item in y_err_col]
cols = x_col + y_col
if y_err_col is not None:
cols += y_err_col
df = df[cols]
if len(df.index) == 0:
raise ValueError("dataframe cannot be empty")
input_dims = len(x_col)
x_data = df[x_col]
x_labels = [str(item) for item in x_col]
dataset = DataSet()
for i in range(len(y_col)):
cols = x_col + [y_col[i]]
if y_err_col is not None:
cols += [y_err_col[i]]
channel = df[cols].dropna()
y_err = None
if y_err_col is not None:
y_err = channel[y_err_col[i]].values
if dataset.get_output_dims() == 1:
return dataset[0]
return dataset
class DataSet:
DataSet is a class that holds multiple Data objects as channels. It is the complete representation of the data used for fitting multi-output Gaussian processes.
*args (, mogptk.dataset.DataSet, list, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, torch.Tensor): Accepts multiple arguments, each of which should be either a `DataSet` or `Data` object, a list of `Data` objects or a dictionary of `Data` objects. Each `Data` object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If a `DataSet` is passed its channels will be added. It is also possible to pass X and Y data array directly by either passing two `numpy.ndarrays` of shape (output_dims, data_points, input_dims) and (output_dims, data_points) respectively, or two lists of `numpy.ndarrays` for X and Y data of shape (data_points, input_dims) and (data_points,) respectively.
Different ways to initiate a DataSet:
>>> wind_velocity = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind')
>>> tidal_height = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal')
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(wind_velocity, tidal_height)
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(
>>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind'),
>>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal'),
>>> )
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet()
>>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind'))
>>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal'))
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, y)
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, [y1, y2, y3], names=['A', 'B', 'C'])
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
Accessing individual channels:
>>> dataset[0] # first channel
>>> dataset['wind'] # wind velocity channel
def __init__(self, *args, names=None):
self.channels = []
if len(args) == 2 and (isinstance(args[0], (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) or isinstance(args[0], list) and all(isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) for item in args[0])) and (isinstance(args[1], (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) or isinstance(args[1], list) and all(isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) for item in args[1])):
if isinstance(args[0], (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)) and args[0].ndim == 3:
args[0] = [channel for channel in args[0]]
if isinstance(args[1], (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)) and args[1].ndim == 2:
args[1] = [channel for channel in args[1]]
if names is None or isinstance(names, str):
n = 1
if isinstance(args[0], list):
n = max(n, len(args[0]))
if isinstance(args[1], list):
n = max(n, len(args[1]))
names = [names]*n
if isinstance(args[0], list):
if isinstance(args[1], list):
if len(args[0]) != len(args[1]):
raise ValueError("X and y must have the same number of output dimensions")
for name, x, y in zip(names, args[0], args[1]):
self.append(Data(x, y, name=name))
for name, x in zip(names, args[0]):
self.append(Data(x, args[1], name=name))
if isinstance(args[1], list):
for name, y in zip(names, args[1]):
self.append(Data(args[0], y, name=name))
self.append(Data(args[0], args[1], name=names[0]))
for arg in args:
def _format_X(self, X):
if isinstance(X, dict):
x_dict = X
X = self.get_prediction()
for name, channel_x in x_dict.items():
X[self.get_index(name)] = channel_x
elif isinstance(X, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)):
if isinstance(X, pd.Series):
X = X.to_numpy()
elif isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
X = X.numpy()
if len(X.shape) == 3 and X.shape[0] == self.get_output_dims():
X = [X[i,:,:] for i in range(self.get_output_dims())]
X = [X] * self.get_output_dims()
elif not isinstance(X, list):
raise ValueError("X must be a list, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, or torch.Tensor")
elif not any(isinstance(x, (list,np.ndarray)) for x in X):
X = [X] * self.get_output_dims()
if len(X) != self.get_output_dims():
raise ValueError("X must be of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims for each channel")
for j, channel in enumerate(self.channels):
X[j], _ = channel._format_X(X[j])
return X
def __iter__(self):
return self.channels.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.channels)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, str):
return self.channels[self.get_names().index(key)]
return self.channels[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, arg):
if isinstance(arg, Data):
self.channels[key] = arg
elif isinstance(arg, DataSet) and len(arg) == 1:
self.channels[key] = arg[0]
raise ValueError("must set a data type of Data or a DataSet with a single channel")
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
for channel in self.channels:
s += channel.__repr__() + "\n"
return s
def append(self, arg):
Append channel(s) to the DataSet.
arg (, mogptk.dataset.DataSet, list, dict): Argument can be either a `DataSet` or `Data` object, a list of `Data` objects or a dictionary of `Data` objects. Each `Data` object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If a `DataSet` is passed, its channels will be added.
>>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadFunction(lambda x: np.sin(5*x[:,0]), n=200, start=0.0, end=4.0, name='A'))
if isinstance(arg, Data):
elif isinstance(arg, DataSet):
for val in arg.channels:
elif isinstance(arg, list) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg):
for val in arg:
elif isinstance(arg, dict) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg.values()):
for key, val in arg.items(): = key
raise ValueError("unknown data type %s in append to DataSet" % (type(arg)))
return self
def copy(self):
Make a deep copy of `DataSet`.
>>> other = dataset.copy()
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def transform(self, transformer):
Transform each channel by using one of the provided transformers, such as `TransformDetrend`, `TransformLinear`, `TransformLog`, `TransformNormalize`, `TransformStandard`, etc.
transformer (obj): Transformer object derived from TransformBase.
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformDetrend(degree=2)) # remove polynomial trend
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLinear(slope=1, bias=2)) # remove linear trend
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLog) # log transform the data
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformNormalize) # transform to [-1,1]
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformStandard) # transform to mean=0, var=1
for channel in self.channels:
def filter(self, start, end, dim=None):
Filter the data range to be between `start` and `end` in the X axis.
start (float, str, list): Start of interval.
end (float, str, list): End of interval.
dim (int): Input dimension to apply to, if not specified applies to all input dimensions.
>>> dataset.filter(3, 8)
>>> dataset.filter('2016-01-15', '2016-06-15')
for channel in self.channels:
channel.filter(start, end, dim=dim)
def aggregate(self, duration, f=np.mean):
Aggregate the data by duration and apply a function to obtain a reduced dataset.
For example, group daily data by week and take the mean. The duration can be set as a number which defined the intervals on the X axis, or by a string written in the duration format in case the X axis has data type `numpy.datetime64`. The duration format uses: Y=year, M=month, W=week, D=day, h=hour, m=minute, and s=second. For example, 3W1D means three weeks and one day, ie. 22 days, or 6M to mean six months.
duration (float, str): Duration along the X axis or as a string in the duration format.
f (function): Function to use to reduce data.
>>> dataset.aggregate(5)
>>> dataset.aggregate('2W', f=np.sum)
for channel in self.channels:
channel.aggregate(duration, f)
def has_test_data(self):
Returns True if observations have been removed using the `remove_*` methods.
list: Boolean per channel.
>>> data.has_test_data()
return [channel.has_test_data() for channel in self.channels]
def get_input_dims(self):
Return the input dimensions per channel.
list: List of the number of input dimensions per channel.
>>> dataset.get_input_dims()
[2, 1]
return [channel.get_input_dims() for channel in self.channels]
def get_output_dims(self):
Return the output dimensions of the dataset, i.e. the number of channels.
int: Number of output dimensions.
>>> dataset.get_output_dims()
return len(self.channels)
def get_names(self):
Return the names of the channels.
list: List of channel names.
>>> dataset.get_names()
['A', 'B', 'C']
return [channel.get_name() for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels)]
def get(self, index):
Return Data object given a channel index or name.
index (int, str): Index or name of the channel.
Returns: Channel data.
>>> channel = dataset.get('A')
if isinstance(index, int):
if index < len(self.channels):
return self.channels[index]
elif isinstance(index, str):
for channel in self.channels:
if == index:
return channel
raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index))
def get_index(self, index):
Return channel's numeric index given its name.
index (int, str): Index or name of the channel.
int: Channel index.
>>> channel_index = dataset.get_index('A')
if isinstance(index, int):
if index < len(self.channels):
return index
elif isinstance(index, str):
for channel in self.channels:
if == index:
return index
raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index))
def get_data(self, transformed=False):
Returns all observations, train and test.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_data()
return [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def get_train_data(self, transformed=False):
Returns observations used for training.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_train_data()
return [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def get_test_data(self, transformed=False):
Returns the observations used for testing which correspond to the removed points.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_test_data()
return [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def get_prediction_data(self):
Returns the prediction X range for all channels.
list: X prediction of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
>>> x = dataset.get_prediction_data()
x = []
for channel in self.channels:
return x
def set_prediction_data(self, X):
Set the prediction range directly for saved predictions per channel. This will clear old predictions.
X (list, dict): Array of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims per channel with prediction X values. If a dictionary is passed, the index is the channel index or name.
>>> dataset.set_prediction_data([[5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]])
>>> dataset.set_prediction_data({'A': [5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], 'B': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]})
if isinstance(X, list):
if len(X) != len(self.channels):
raise ValueError("prediction x expected to be a list of shape (output_dims,n)")
for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels):
elif isinstance(X, dict):
for name in X:
for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels):
def set_prediction_range(self, start, end, n=None, step=None):
Set the prediction range per channel. Inputs should be lists of shape (input_dims,) for each channel or dicts where the keys are the channel indices.
start (list, dict): Start values for prediction range per channel.
end (list, dict): End values for prediction range per channel.
n (list, dict): Number of points for prediction range per channel.
step (list, dict): Step size for prediction range per channel.
>>> dataset.set_prediction_range([2, 3], [5, 6], [4, None], [None, 0.5])
>>> dataset.set_prediction_range(0.0, 5.0, n=200) # the same for each channel
if not isinstance(start, (list, dict)):
start = [start] * self.get_output_dims()
elif isinstance(start, dict):
start = [start[name] for name in self.get_names()]
if not isinstance(end, (list, dict)):
end = [end] * self.get_output_dims()
elif isinstance(end, dict):
end = [end[name] for name in self.get_names()]
if n is None:
n = [None] * self.get_output_dims()
elif not isinstance(n, (list, dict)):
n = [n] * self.get_output_dims()
elif isinstance(n, dict):
n = [n[name] for name in self.get_names()]
if step is None:
step = [None] * self.get_output_dims()
elif not isinstance(step, (list, dict)):
step = [step] * self.get_output_dims()
elif isinstance(step, dict):
step = [step[name] for name in self.get_names()]
if len(start) != len(self.channels) or len(end) != len(self.channels) or len(n) != len(self.channels) or len(step) != len(self.channels):
raise ValueError("start, end, n, and/or step must be lists of shape (output_dims,n)")
for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels):
channel.set_prediction_range(start[i], end[i], n[i], step[i])
def get_nyquist_estimation(self):
Estimate the Nyquist frequency by taking 0.5/(minimum distance of points) per channel.
list: Nyquist frequency array of shape (input_dims) per channel.
>>> freqs = dataset.get_nyquist_estimation()
return [channel.get_nyquist_estimation() for channel in self.channels]
def get_ls_estimation(self, Q=1, n=10000):
Peak estimation of the spectrum using Lomb-Scargle per channel.
Q (int): Number of peaks to find.
n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies.
list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_lombscargle_estimation()
amplitudes = []
means = []
variances = []
for channel in self.channels:
channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_ls_estimation(Q, n)
return amplitudes, means, variances
def get_bnse_estimation(self, Q=1, n=1000, iters=200):
Peak estimation of the spectrum using BNSE (Bayesian Non-parametric Spectral Estimation) per channel.
Q (int): Number of peaks to find.
n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies.
iters (str): Maximum iterations.
list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_bnse_estimation()
amplitudes = []
means = []
variances = []
for channel in self.channels:
channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_bnse_estimation(Q, n, iters=iters)
return amplitudes, means, variances
def get_sm_estimation(self, Q=1, method='BNSE', optimizer='Adam', iters=200, params={}):
Peak estimation of the spectrum using the spectral mixture kernel per channel.
Q (int): Number of peaks to find.
method (str): Method of estimation.
optimizer (str): Optimization method.
iters (str): Maximum iterations.
params (object): Additional parameters for PyTorch optimizer.
list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_sm_estimation()
amplitudes = []
means = []
variances = []
for channel in self.channels:
channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_sm_estimation(Q, method, optimizer, iters, params)
return amplitudes, means, variances
def plot(self, pred=None, title=None, figsize=None, legend=True, transformed=False):
Plot the data including removed observations, latent function, and predictions for each channel.
pred (str): Specify model name to draw.
title (str): Set the title of the plot.
figsize (tuple): Set the figure size.
legend (boolean): Disable legend.
transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training.
matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure.
list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes.
>>> fig, axes = dataset.plot(title='Title')
if figsize is None:
figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels))
h = figsize[1]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True)
legends = {}
for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()):
self.channels[channel].plot(pred=pred, ax=axes[channel,0], transformed=transformed)
l = axes[channel,0].get_legend()
for text, handle in zip(l.texts, l.legendHandles):
if text.get_text() == "Observations":
handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], ls='', color='r', marker='.', ms=10, label='Observations')
legends[text.get_text()] = handle
legend_rows = (len(legends)-1)/5 + 1
if title is not None:
fig.suptitle(title, y=(h+0.2+0.4*legend_rows)/h, fontsize=18)
if legend:
fig.legend(handles=legends.values(), ncol=5)
return fig, axes
def plot_spectrum(self, title=None, method='ls', per=None, maxfreq=None, figsize=None, log=False, transformed=True, n=1001):
Plot the spectrum for each channel.
title (str): Set the title of the plot.
method (list, str): Set the method to get the spectrum such as LS or BNSE.
per (list, str): Set the scale of the X axis depending on the formatter used, eg. per=5, per='day', or per='3D'.
maxfreq (list, float): Maximum frequency to plot, otherwise the Nyquist frequency is used.
figsize (tuple): Set the figure size.
log (boolean): Show X and Y axis in log-scale.
transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training.
n (int): Number of points used for periodogram.
matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure.
list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes.
>>> fig, axes = dataset.plot_spectrum(title='Title', method='bnse')
if not isinstance(method, list):
method = [method] * len(self.channels)
if not isinstance(per, list):
per = [per] * len(self.channels)
if not isinstance(maxfreq, list):
maxfreq = [maxfreq] * len(self.channels)
if figsize is None:
figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True)
if title != None:
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18)
for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()):
self.channels[channel].plot_spectrum(method=method[channel], ax=axes[channel,0], per=per[channel], maxfreq=maxfreq[channel], log=log, transformed=transformed, n=n)
return fig, axes
def LoadCSV(filename, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None, **kwargs)
LoadCSV loads a dataset from a given CSV file. It loads in
as the names of the input dimension columns, andy_col
as the names of the output columns.Args
- CSV filename.
:int, str, list
- Names or indices of X column(s) in CSV.
:int, str, list
- Names or indices of Y column(s) in CSV.
:str, list
- Name or names of data channels.
- Additional keyword arguments for csv.DictReader.
Returns or mogptk.dataset.DataSet
>>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...> >>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', sep=' ', quotechar='|') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...>
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def LoadCSV(filename, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ LoadCSV loads a dataset from a given CSV file. It loads in `x_col` as the names of the input dimension columns, and `y_col` as the names of the output columns. Args: filename (str): CSV filename. x_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of X column(s) in CSV. y_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y column(s) in CSV. name (str, list): Name or names of data channels. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for csv.DictReader. Returns: or mogptk.dataset.DataSet Examples: >>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...> >>> LoadCSV('gold.csv', 'Date', 'Price', sep=' ', quotechar='|') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...> """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, **kwargs) return LoadDataFrame(df, x_col, y_col, y_err_col, name)
def LoadDataFrame(df, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None)
LoadDataFrame loads a DataFrame from pandas. It loads in
as the names of the input dimension columns, andy_col
the names of the output columns.Args
- The pandas DataFrame.
:int, str, list
- Names or indices of X column(s) in DataFrame.
:int, str, list
- Names or indices of Y column(s) in DataFrame.
:int, str, list
- Names or indices of Y error column(s) in DataFrame.
:str, list
- Name or names of data channels.
Returns or mogptk.dataset.DataSet
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(...) >>> LoadDataFrame(df, 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...>
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def LoadDataFrame(df, x_col=0, y_col=1, y_err_col=None, name=None): """ LoadDataFrame loads a DataFrame from pandas. It loads in `x_col` as the names of the input dimension columns, and `y_col` the names of the output columns. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The pandas DataFrame. x_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of X column(s) in DataFrame. y_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y column(s) in DataFrame. y_err_col (int, str, list of int or str): Names or indices of Y error column(s) in DataFrame. name (str, list of str): Name or names of data channels. Returns: or mogptk.dataset.DataSet Examples: >>> df = pd.DataFrame(...) >>> LoadDataFrame(df, 'Date', 'Price', name='Gold') <mogptk.dataset.DataSet at ...> """ if _is_iterable(x_col): x_col = list(x_col) if _is_iterable(y_col): y_col = list(y_col) if (not isinstance(x_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in x_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in x_col)) and not isinstance(x_col, int) and not isinstance(x_col, str): raise ValueError("x_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings") if (not isinstance(y_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in y_col)) and not isinstance(y_col, int) and not isinstance(y_col, str): raise ValueError("y_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings") if not isinstance(x_col, list): x_col = [x_col] if not isinstance(y_col, list): y_col = [y_col] if y_err_col is not None: if _is_iterable(y_err_col): y_col = list(y_err_col) if (not isinstance(y_err_col, list) or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_err_col) and not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in y_err_col)) and not isinstance(y_err_col, int) and not isinstance(y_err_col, str): raise ValueError("y_err_col must be integer, string or list of integers or strings") if not isinstance(y_err_col, list): y_err_col = [y_err_col] if len(y_col) != len(y_err_col): raise ValueError("y_err_col and y_col must be of the same length") if name is None: name = [None] * len(y_col) else: if _is_iterable(name): name = list(name) else: name = [name] if len(y_col) != len(name): raise ValueError("y_col and name must be of the same length") # if columns are indices, convert to column names if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in x_col): x_col = [df.columns[item] for item in x_col] if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_col): y_col = [df.columns[item] for item in y_col] if y_err_col is not None and all(isinstance(item, int) for item in y_err_col): y_err_col = [df.columns[item] for item in y_err_col] cols = x_col + y_col if y_err_col is not None: cols += y_err_col df = df[cols] if len(df.index) == 0: raise ValueError("dataframe cannot be empty") input_dims = len(x_col) x_data = df[x_col] x_labels = [str(item) for item in x_col] dataset = DataSet() for i in range(len(y_col)): cols = x_col + [y_col[i]] if y_err_col is not None: cols += [y_err_col[i]] channel = df[cols].dropna() y_err = None if y_err_col is not None: y_err = channel[y_err_col[i]].values dataset.append(Data( channel[x_col].values, channel[y_col[i]].values, Y_err=y_err, name=name[i], x_labels=x_labels, y_label=str(y_col[i]), )) if dataset.get_output_dims() == 1: return dataset[0] return dataset
class DataSet (*args, names=None)
DataSet is a class that holds multiple Data objects as channels. It is the complete representation of the data used for fitting multi-output Gaussian processes.
:Data, DataSet, list, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, torch.Tensor
- Accepts multiple arguments, each of which should be either a
object, a list ofData
objects or a dictionary ofData
objects. EachData
object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If aDataSet
is passed its channels will be added. It is also possible to pass X and Y data array directly by either passing twonumpy.ndarrays
of shape (output_dims, data_points, input_dims) and (output_dims, data_points) respectively, or two lists ofnumpy.ndarrays
for X and Y data of shape (data_points, input_dims) and (data_points,) respectively.
Different ways to initiate a DataSet:
>>> wind_velocity = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind') >>> tidal_height = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal') >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(wind_velocity, tidal_height)
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet( >>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind'), >>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal'), >>> )
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet() >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind')) >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal'))
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, y)
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, [y1, y2, y3], names=['A', 'B', 'C'])
>>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
Accessing individual channels:
>>> dataset[0] # first channel >>> dataset['wind'] # wind velocity channel
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class DataSet: """ DataSet is a class that holds multiple Data objects as channels. It is the complete representation of the data used for fitting multi-output Gaussian processes. Args: *args (, mogptk.dataset.DataSet, list, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, torch.Tensor): Accepts multiple arguments, each of which should be either a `DataSet` or `Data` object, a list of `Data` objects or a dictionary of `Data` objects. Each `Data` object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If a `DataSet` is passed its channels will be added. It is also possible to pass X and Y data array directly by either passing two `numpy.ndarrays` of shape (output_dims, data_points, input_dims) and (output_dims, data_points) respectively, or two lists of `numpy.ndarrays` for X and Y data of shape (data_points, input_dims) and (data_points,) respectively. Examples: Different ways to initiate a DataSet: >>> wind_velocity = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind') >>> tidal_height = mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal') >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(wind_velocity, tidal_height) >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet( >>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind'), >>> mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal'), >>> ) >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet() >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Wind Velocity', name='wind')) >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadDataFrame(df, x_col='Date', y_col='Tidal Height', name='tidal')) >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, y) >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet(x, [y1, y2, y3], names=['A', 'B', 'C']) >>> dataset = mogptk.DataSet([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]) Accessing individual channels: >>> dataset[0] # first channel >>> dataset['wind'] # wind velocity channel """ def __init__(self, *args, names=None): self.channels = [] if len(args) == 2 and (isinstance(args[0], (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) or isinstance(args[0], list) and all(isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) for item in args[0])) and (isinstance(args[1], (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) or isinstance(args[1], list) and all(isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)) for item in args[1])): if isinstance(args[0], (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)) and args[0].ndim == 3: args[0] = [channel for channel in args[0]] if isinstance(args[1], (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)) and args[1].ndim == 2: args[1] = [channel for channel in args[1]] if names is None or isinstance(names, str): n = 1 if isinstance(args[0], list): n = max(n, len(args[0])) if isinstance(args[1], list): n = max(n, len(args[1])) names = [names]*n if isinstance(args[0], list): if isinstance(args[1], list): if len(args[0]) != len(args[1]): raise ValueError("X and y must have the same number of output dimensions") for name, x, y in zip(names, args[0], args[1]): self.append(Data(x, y, name=name)) else: for name, x in zip(names, args[0]): self.append(Data(x, args[1], name=name)) else: if isinstance(args[1], list): for name, y in zip(names, args[1]): self.append(Data(args[0], y, name=name)) else: self.append(Data(args[0], args[1], name=names[0])) return for arg in args: self.append(arg) def _format_X(self, X): if isinstance(X, dict): x_dict = X X = self.get_prediction() for name, channel_x in x_dict.items(): X[self.get_index(name)] = channel_x elif isinstance(X, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, torch.Tensor)): if isinstance(X, pd.Series): X = X.to_numpy() elif isinstance(X, torch.Tensor): X = X.numpy() if len(X.shape) == 3 and X.shape[0] == self.get_output_dims(): X = [X[i,:,:] for i in range(self.get_output_dims())] else: X = [X] * self.get_output_dims() elif not isinstance(X, list): raise ValueError("X must be a list, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, or torch.Tensor") elif not any(isinstance(x, (list,np.ndarray)) for x in X): X = [X] * self.get_output_dims() if len(X) != self.get_output_dims(): raise ValueError("X must be of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims for each channel") for j, channel in enumerate(self.channels): X[j], _ = channel._format_X(X[j]) return X def __iter__(self): return self.channels.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self.channels) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return self.channels[self.get_names().index(key)] return self.channels[key] def __setitem__(self, key, arg): if isinstance(arg, Data): self.channels[key] = arg elif isinstance(arg, DataSet) and len(arg) == 1: self.channels[key] = arg[0] else: raise ValueError("must set a data type of Data or a DataSet with a single channel") def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): s = '' for channel in self.channels: s += channel.__repr__() + "\n" return s def append(self, arg): """ Append channel(s) to the DataSet. Args: arg (, mogptk.dataset.DataSet, list, dict): Argument can be either a `DataSet` or `Data` object, a list of `Data` objects or a dictionary of `Data` objects. Each `Data` object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If a `DataSet` is passed, its channels will be added. Examples: >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadFunction(lambda x: np.sin(5*x[:,0]), n=200, start=0.0, end=4.0, name='A')) """ if isinstance(arg, Data): self.channels.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, DataSet): for val in arg.channels: self.channels.append(val) elif isinstance(arg, list) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg): for val in arg: self.channels.append(val) elif isinstance(arg, dict) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg.values()): for key, val in arg.items(): = key self.channels.append(val) else: raise ValueError("unknown data type %s in append to DataSet" % (type(arg))) return self def copy(self): """ Make a deep copy of `DataSet`. Returns: mogptk.dataset.DataSet Examples: >>> other = dataset.copy() """ return copy.deepcopy(self) def transform(self, transformer): """ Transform each channel by using one of the provided transformers, such as `TransformDetrend`, `TransformLinear`, `TransformLog`, `TransformNormalize`, `TransformStandard`, etc. Args: transformer (obj): Transformer object derived from TransformBase. Examples: >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformDetrend(degree=2)) # remove polynomial trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLinear(slope=1, bias=2)) # remove linear trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLog) # log transform the data >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformNormalize) # transform to [-1,1] >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformStandard) # transform to mean=0, var=1 """ for channel in self.channels: channel.transform(transformer) def filter(self, start, end, dim=None): """ Filter the data range to be between `start` and `end` in the X axis. Args: start (float, str, list): Start of interval. end (float, str, list): End of interval. dim (int): Input dimension to apply to, if not specified applies to all input dimensions. Examples: >>> dataset.filter(3, 8) >>> dataset.filter('2016-01-15', '2016-06-15') """ for channel in self.channels: channel.filter(start, end, dim=dim) def aggregate(self, duration, f=np.mean): """ Aggregate the data by duration and apply a function to obtain a reduced dataset. For example, group daily data by week and take the mean. The duration can be set as a number which defined the intervals on the X axis, or by a string written in the duration format in case the X axis has data type `numpy.datetime64`. The duration format uses: Y=year, M=month, W=week, D=day, h=hour, m=minute, and s=second. For example, 3W1D means three weeks and one day, ie. 22 days, or 6M to mean six months. Args: duration (float, str): Duration along the X axis or as a string in the duration format. f (function): Function to use to reduce data. Examples: >>> dataset.aggregate(5) >>> dataset.aggregate('2W', f=np.sum) """ for channel in self.channels: channel.aggregate(duration, f) def has_test_data(self): """ Returns True if observations have been removed using the `remove_*` methods. Returns: list: Boolean per channel. Examples: >>> data.has_test_data() True """ return [channel.has_test_data() for channel in self.channels] def get_input_dims(self): """ Return the input dimensions per channel. Returns: list: List of the number of input dimensions per channel. Examples: >>> dataset.get_input_dims() [2, 1] """ return [channel.get_input_dims() for channel in self.channels] def get_output_dims(self): """ Return the output dimensions of the dataset, i.e. the number of channels. Returns: int: Number of output dimensions. Examples: >>> dataset.get_output_dims() 4 """ return len(self.channels) def get_names(self): """ Return the names of the channels. Returns: list: List of channel names. Examples: >>> dataset.get_names() ['A', 'B', 'C'] """ return [channel.get_name() for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels)] def get(self, index): """ Return Data object given a channel index or name. Args: index (int, str): Index or name of the channel. Returns: Channel data. Examples: >>> channel = dataset.get('A') """ if isinstance(index, int): if index < len(self.channels): return self.channels[index] elif isinstance(index, str): for channel in self.channels: if == index: return channel raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index)) def get_index(self, index): """ Return channel's numeric index given its name. Args: index (int, str): Index or name of the channel. Returns: int: Channel index. Examples: >>> channel_index = dataset.get_index('A') """ if isinstance(index, int): if index < len(self.channels): return index elif isinstance(index, str): for channel in self.channels: if == index: return index raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index)) def get_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns all observations, train and test. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_data() """ return [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels] def get_train_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns observations used for training. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_train_data() """ return [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels] def get_test_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns the observations used for testing which correspond to the removed points. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_test_data() """ return [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels] def get_prediction_data(self): """ Returns the prediction X range for all channels. Returns: list: X prediction of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> x = dataset.get_prediction_data() """ x = [] for channel in self.channels: x.append(channel.get_prediction_data()) return x def set_prediction_data(self, X): """ Set the prediction range directly for saved predictions per channel. This will clear old predictions. Args: X (list, dict): Array of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims per channel with prediction X values. If a dictionary is passed, the index is the channel index or name. Examples: >>> dataset.set_prediction_data([[5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_data({'A': [5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], 'B': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}) """ if isinstance(X, list): if len(X) != len(self.channels): raise ValueError("prediction x expected to be a list of shape (output_dims,n)") for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_data(X[i]) elif isinstance(X, dict): for name in X: self.get(name).set_prediction_data(X[name]) else: for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_data(X) def set_prediction_range(self, start, end, n=None, step=None): """ Set the prediction range per channel. Inputs should be lists of shape (input_dims,) for each channel or dicts where the keys are the channel indices. Args: start (list, dict): Start values for prediction range per channel. end (list, dict): End values for prediction range per channel. n (list, dict): Number of points for prediction range per channel. step (list, dict): Step size for prediction range per channel. Examples: >>> dataset.set_prediction_range([2, 3], [5, 6], [4, None], [None, 0.5]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_range(0.0, 5.0, n=200) # the same for each channel """ if not isinstance(start, (list, dict)): start = [start] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(start, dict): start = [start[name] for name in self.get_names()] if not isinstance(end, (list, dict)): end = [end] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(end, dict): end = [end[name] for name in self.get_names()] if n is None: n = [None] * self.get_output_dims() elif not isinstance(n, (list, dict)): n = [n] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(n, dict): n = [n[name] for name in self.get_names()] if step is None: step = [None] * self.get_output_dims() elif not isinstance(step, (list, dict)): step = [step] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(step, dict): step = [step[name] for name in self.get_names()] if len(start) != len(self.channels) or len(end) != len(self.channels) or len(n) != len(self.channels) or len(step) != len(self.channels): raise ValueError("start, end, n, and/or step must be lists of shape (output_dims,n)") for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_range(start[i], end[i], n[i], step[i]) def get_nyquist_estimation(self): """ Estimate the Nyquist frequency by taking 0.5/(minimum distance of points) per channel. Returns: list: Nyquist frequency array of shape (input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> freqs = dataset.get_nyquist_estimation() """ return [channel.get_nyquist_estimation() for channel in self.channels] def get_ls_estimation(self, Q=1, n=10000): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using Lomb-Scargle per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_lombscargle_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_ls_estimation(Q, n) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances def get_bnse_estimation(self, Q=1, n=1000, iters=200): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using BNSE (Bayesian Non-parametric Spectral Estimation) per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies. iters (str): Maximum iterations. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_bnse_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_bnse_estimation(Q, n, iters=iters) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances def get_sm_estimation(self, Q=1, method='BNSE', optimizer='Adam', iters=200, params={}): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using the spectral mixture kernel per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. method (str): Method of estimation. optimizer (str): Optimization method. iters (str): Maximum iterations. params (object): Additional parameters for PyTorch optimizer. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_sm_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_sm_estimation(Q, method, optimizer, iters, params) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances def plot(self, pred=None, title=None, figsize=None, legend=True, transformed=False): """ Plot the data including removed observations, latent function, and predictions for each channel. Args: pred (str): Specify model name to draw. title (str): Set the title of the plot. figsize (tuple): Set the figure size. legend (boolean): Disable legend. transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure. list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes. Examples: >>> fig, axes = dataset.plot(title='Title') """ if figsize is None: figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels)) h = figsize[1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True) legends = {} for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()): self.channels[channel].plot(pred=pred, ax=axes[channel,0], transformed=transformed) l = axes[channel,0].get_legend() for text, handle in zip(l.texts, l.legendHandles): if text.get_text() == "Observations": handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], ls='', color='r', marker='.', ms=10, label='Observations') legends[text.get_text()] = handle l.remove() legend_rows = (len(legends)-1)/5 + 1 if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, y=(h+0.2+0.4*legend_rows)/h, fontsize=18) if legend: fig.legend(handles=legends.values(), ncol=5) return fig, axes def plot_spectrum(self, title=None, method='ls', per=None, maxfreq=None, figsize=None, log=False, transformed=True, n=1001): """ Plot the spectrum for each channel. Args: title (str): Set the title of the plot. method (list, str): Set the method to get the spectrum such as LS or BNSE. per (list, str): Set the scale of the X axis depending on the formatter used, eg. per=5, per='day', or per='3D'. maxfreq (list, float): Maximum frequency to plot, otherwise the Nyquist frequency is used. figsize (tuple): Set the figure size. log (boolean): Show X and Y axis in log-scale. transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training. n (int): Number of points used for periodogram. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure. list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes. Examples: >>> fig, axes = dataset.plot_spectrum(title='Title', method='bnse') """ if not isinstance(method, list): method = [method] * len(self.channels) if not isinstance(per, list): per = [per] * len(self.channels) if not isinstance(maxfreq, list): maxfreq = [maxfreq] * len(self.channels) if figsize is None: figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True) if title != None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18) for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()): self.channels[channel].plot_spectrum(method=method[channel], ax=axes[channel,0], per=per[channel], maxfreq=maxfreq[channel], log=log, transformed=transformed, n=n) return fig, axes
def aggregate(self, duration, f=<function mean>)
Aggregate the data by duration and apply a function to obtain a reduced dataset.
For example, group daily data by week and take the mean. The duration can be set as a number which defined the intervals on the X axis, or by a string written in the duration format in case the X axis has data type
. The duration format uses: Y=year, M=month, W=week, D=day, h=hour, m=minute, and s=second. For example, 3W1D means three weeks and one day, ie. 22 days, or 6M to mean six months.Args
:float, str
- Duration along the X axis or as a string in the duration format.
- Function to use to reduce data.
>>> dataset.aggregate(5)
>>> dataset.aggregate('2W', f=np.sum)
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def aggregate(self, duration, f=np.mean): """ Aggregate the data by duration and apply a function to obtain a reduced dataset. For example, group daily data by week and take the mean. The duration can be set as a number which defined the intervals on the X axis, or by a string written in the duration format in case the X axis has data type `numpy.datetime64`. The duration format uses: Y=year, M=month, W=week, D=day, h=hour, m=minute, and s=second. For example, 3W1D means three weeks and one day, ie. 22 days, or 6M to mean six months. Args: duration (float, str): Duration along the X axis or as a string in the duration format. f (function): Function to use to reduce data. Examples: >>> dataset.aggregate(5) >>> dataset.aggregate('2W', f=np.sum) """ for channel in self.channels: channel.aggregate(duration, f)
def append(self, arg)
Append channel(s) to the DataSet.
:Data, DataSet, list, dict
- Argument can be either a
object, a list ofData
objects or a dictionary ofData
objects. EachData
object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If aDataSet
is passed, its channels will be added.
>>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadFunction(lambda x: np.sin(5*x[:,0]), n=200, start=0.0, end=4.0, name='A'))
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def append(self, arg): """ Append channel(s) to the DataSet. Args: arg (, mogptk.dataset.DataSet, list, dict): Argument can be either a `DataSet` or `Data` object, a list of `Data` objects or a dictionary of `Data` objects. Each `Data` object will be added to the list of channels. In case of a dictionary, the key will set the name of the channel. If a `DataSet` is passed, its channels will be added. Examples: >>> dataset.append(mogptk.LoadFunction(lambda x: np.sin(5*x[:,0]), n=200, start=0.0, end=4.0, name='A')) """ if isinstance(arg, Data): self.channels.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, DataSet): for val in arg.channels: self.channels.append(val) elif isinstance(arg, list) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg): for val in arg: self.channels.append(val) elif isinstance(arg, dict) and all(isinstance(val, Data) for val in arg.values()): for key, val in arg.items(): = key self.channels.append(val) else: raise ValueError("unknown data type %s in append to DataSet" % (type(arg))) return self
def copy(self)
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def copy(self): """ Make a deep copy of `DataSet`. Returns: mogptk.dataset.DataSet Examples: >>> other = dataset.copy() """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
def filter(self, start, end, dim=None)
Filter the data range to be between
in the X axis.Args
:float, str, list
- Start of interval.
:float, str, list
- End of interval.
- Input dimension to apply to, if not specified applies to all input dimensions.
>>> dataset.filter(3, 8)
>>> dataset.filter('2016-01-15', '2016-06-15')
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def filter(self, start, end, dim=None): """ Filter the data range to be between `start` and `end` in the X axis. Args: start (float, str, list): Start of interval. end (float, str, list): End of interval. dim (int): Input dimension to apply to, if not specified applies to all input dimensions. Examples: >>> dataset.filter(3, 8) >>> dataset.filter('2016-01-15', '2016-06-15') """ for channel in self.channels: channel.filter(start, end, dim=dim)
def get(self, index)
Return Data object given a channel index or name.
:int, str
- Index or name of the channel.
- Channel data.
>>> channel = dataset.get('A')
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def get(self, index): """ Return Data object given a channel index or name. Args: index (int, str): Index or name of the channel. Returns: Channel data. Examples: >>> channel = dataset.get('A') """ if isinstance(index, int): if index < len(self.channels): return self.channels[index] elif isinstance(index, str): for channel in self.channels: if == index: return channel raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index))
def get_bnse_estimation(self, Q=1, n=1000, iters=200)
Peak estimation of the spectrum using BNSE (Bayesian Non-parametric Spectral Estimation) per channel.
- Number of peaks to find.
- Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies.
- Maximum iterations.
- Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_bnse_estimation()
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def get_bnse_estimation(self, Q=1, n=1000, iters=200): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using BNSE (Bayesian Non-parametric Spectral Estimation) per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies. iters (str): Maximum iterations. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_bnse_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_bnse_estimation(Q, n, iters=iters) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances
def get_data(self, transformed=False)
Returns all observations, train and test.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
- X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
- Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_data()
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def get_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns all observations, train and test. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_data() """ return [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def get_index(self, index)
Return channel's numeric index given its name.
:int, str
- Index or name of the channel.
- Channel index.
>>> channel_index = dataset.get_index('A')
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def get_index(self, index): """ Return channel's numeric index given its name. Args: index (int, str): Index or name of the channel. Returns: int: Channel index. Examples: >>> channel_index = dataset.get_index('A') """ if isinstance(index, int): if index < len(self.channels): return index elif isinstance(index, str): for channel in self.channels: if == index: return index raise ValueError("channel '%d' does not exist in DataSet" % (index))
def get_input_dims(self)
Return the input dimensions per channel.
- List of the number of input dimensions per channel.
>>> dataset.get_input_dims() [2, 1]
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def get_input_dims(self): """ Return the input dimensions per channel. Returns: list: List of the number of input dimensions per channel. Examples: >>> dataset.get_input_dims() [2, 1] """ return [channel.get_input_dims() for channel in self.channels]
def get_ls_estimation(self, Q=1, n=10000)
Peak estimation of the spectrum using Lomb-Scargle per channel.
- Number of peaks to find.
- Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies.
- Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_lombscargle_estimation()
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def get_ls_estimation(self, Q=1, n=10000): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using Lomb-Scargle per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. n (int): Number of points of the grid to evaluate frequencies. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_lombscargle_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_ls_estimation(Q, n) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances
def get_names(self)
Return the names of the channels.
- List of channel names.
>>> dataset.get_names() ['A', 'B', 'C']
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def get_names(self): """ Return the names of the channels. Returns: list: List of channel names. Examples: >>> dataset.get_names() ['A', 'B', 'C'] """ return [channel.get_name() for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels)]
def get_nyquist_estimation(self)
Estimate the Nyquist frequency by taking 0.5/(minimum distance of points) per channel.
- Nyquist frequency array of shape (input_dims) per channel.
>>> freqs = dataset.get_nyquist_estimation()
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def get_nyquist_estimation(self): """ Estimate the Nyquist frequency by taking 0.5/(minimum distance of points) per channel. Returns: list: Nyquist frequency array of shape (input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> freqs = dataset.get_nyquist_estimation() """ return [channel.get_nyquist_estimation() for channel in self.channels]
def get_output_dims(self)
Return the output dimensions of the dataset, i.e. the number of channels.
- Number of output dimensions.
>>> dataset.get_output_dims() 4
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def get_output_dims(self): """ Return the output dimensions of the dataset, i.e. the number of channels. Returns: int: Number of output dimensions. Examples: >>> dataset.get_output_dims() 4 """ return len(self.channels)
def get_prediction_data(self)
Returns the prediction X range for all channels.
- X prediction of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
>>> x = dataset.get_prediction_data()
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def get_prediction_data(self): """ Returns the prediction X range for all channels. Returns: list: X prediction of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> x = dataset.get_prediction_data() """ x = [] for channel in self.channels: x.append(channel.get_prediction_data()) return x
def get_sm_estimation(self, Q=1, method='BNSE', optimizer='Adam', iters=200, params={})
Peak estimation of the spectrum using the spectral mixture kernel per channel.
- Number of peaks to find.
- Method of estimation.
- Optimization method.
- Maximum iterations.
- Additional parameters for PyTorch optimizer.
- Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
- Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel.
>>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_sm_estimation()
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def get_sm_estimation(self, Q=1, method='BNSE', optimizer='Adam', iters=200, params={}): """ Peak estimation of the spectrum using the spectral mixture kernel per channel. Args: Q (int): Number of peaks to find. method (str): Method of estimation. optimizer (str): Optimization method. iters (str): Maximum iterations. params (object): Additional parameters for PyTorch optimizer. Returns: list: Amplitude array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Frequency array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. list: Variance array of shape (Q,input_dims) per channel. Examples: >>> amplitudes, means, variances = dataset.get_sm_estimation() """ amplitudes = [] means = [] variances = [] for channel in self.channels: channel_amplitudes, channel_means, channel_variances = channel.get_sm_estimation(Q, method, optimizer, iters, params) amplitudes.append(channel_amplitudes) means.append(channel_means) variances.append(channel_variances) return amplitudes, means, variances
def get_test_data(self, transformed=False)
Returns the observations used for testing which correspond to the removed points.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
- X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
- Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_test_data()
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def get_test_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns the observations used for testing which correspond to the removed points. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_test_data() """ return [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_test_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def get_train_data(self, transformed=False)
Returns observations used for training.
transformed (boolean): Return transformed data.
- X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel.
- Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel.
>>> x, y = dataset.get_train_data()
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def get_train_data(self, transformed=False): """ Returns observations used for training. Arguments: transformed (boolean): Return transformed data. Returns: list: X data of shape (data_points,input_dims) per channel. list: Y data of shape (data_points,) per channel. Examples: >>> x, y = dataset.get_train_data() """ return [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[0] for channel in self.channels], [channel.get_train_data(transformed=transformed)[1] for channel in self.channels]
def has_test_data(self)
Returns True if observations have been removed using the
- Boolean per channel.
>>> data.has_test_data() True
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def has_test_data(self): """ Returns True if observations have been removed using the `remove_*` methods. Returns: list: Boolean per channel. Examples: >>> data.has_test_data() True """ return [channel.has_test_data() for channel in self.channels]
def plot(self, pred=None, title=None, figsize=None, legend=True, transformed=False)
Plot the data including removed observations, latent function, and predictions for each channel.
- Specify model name to draw.
- Set the title of the plot.
- Set the figure size.
- Disable legend.
- Display transformed Y data as used for training.
- The figure.
- List of axes.
>>> fig, axes = dataset.plot(title='Title')
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def plot(self, pred=None, title=None, figsize=None, legend=True, transformed=False): """ Plot the data including removed observations, latent function, and predictions for each channel. Args: pred (str): Specify model name to draw. title (str): Set the title of the plot. figsize (tuple): Set the figure size. legend (boolean): Disable legend. transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure. list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes. Examples: >>> fig, axes = dataset.plot(title='Title') """ if figsize is None: figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels)) h = figsize[1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True) legends = {} for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()): self.channels[channel].plot(pred=pred, ax=axes[channel,0], transformed=transformed) l = axes[channel,0].get_legend() for text, handle in zip(l.texts, l.legendHandles): if text.get_text() == "Observations": handle = plt.Line2D([0], [0], ls='', color='r', marker='.', ms=10, label='Observations') legends[text.get_text()] = handle l.remove() legend_rows = (len(legends)-1)/5 + 1 if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, y=(h+0.2+0.4*legend_rows)/h, fontsize=18) if legend: fig.legend(handles=legends.values(), ncol=5) return fig, axes
def plot_spectrum(self, title=None, method='ls', per=None, maxfreq=None, figsize=None, log=False, transformed=True, n=1001)
Plot the spectrum for each channel.
- Set the title of the plot.
:list, str
- Set the method to get the spectrum such as LS or BNSE.
:list, str
- Set the scale of the X axis depending on the formatter used, eg. per=5, per='day', or per='3D'.
:list, float
- Maximum frequency to plot, otherwise the Nyquist frequency is used.
- Set the figure size.
- Show X and Y axis in log-scale.
- Display transformed Y data as used for training.
- Number of points used for periodogram.
- The figure.
- List of axes.
>>> fig, axes = dataset.plot_spectrum(title='Title', method='bnse')
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def plot_spectrum(self, title=None, method='ls', per=None, maxfreq=None, figsize=None, log=False, transformed=True, n=1001): """ Plot the spectrum for each channel. Args: title (str): Set the title of the plot. method (list, str): Set the method to get the spectrum such as LS or BNSE. per (list, str): Set the scale of the X axis depending on the formatter used, eg. per=5, per='day', or per='3D'. maxfreq (list, float): Maximum frequency to plot, otherwise the Nyquist frequency is used. figsize (tuple): Set the figure size. log (boolean): Show X and Y axis in log-scale. transformed (boolean): Display transformed Y data as used for training. n (int): Number of points used for periodogram. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure: The figure. list of matplotlib.axes.Axes: List of axes. Examples: >>> fig, axes = dataset.plot_spectrum(title='Title', method='bnse') """ if not isinstance(method, list): method = [method] * len(self.channels) if not isinstance(per, list): per = [per] * len(self.channels) if not isinstance(maxfreq, list): maxfreq = [maxfreq] * len(self.channels) if figsize is None: figsize = (12,4*len(self.channels)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.get_output_dims(), 1, figsize=figsize, squeeze=False, constrained_layout=True) if title != None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18) for channel in range(self.get_output_dims()): self.channels[channel].plot_spectrum(method=method[channel], ax=axes[channel,0], per=per[channel], maxfreq=maxfreq[channel], log=log, transformed=transformed, n=n) return fig, axes
def set_prediction_data(self, X)
Set the prediction range directly for saved predictions per channel. This will clear old predictions.
:list, dict
- Array of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims per channel with prediction X values. If a dictionary is passed, the index is the channel index or name.
>>> dataset.set_prediction_data([[5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_data({'A': [5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], 'B': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]})
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def set_prediction_data(self, X): """ Set the prediction range directly for saved predictions per channel. This will clear old predictions. Args: X (list, dict): Array of shape (data_points,), (data_points,input_dims), or [(data_points,)] * input_dims per channel with prediction X values. If a dictionary is passed, the index is the channel index or name. Examples: >>> dataset.set_prediction_data([[5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_data({'A': [5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0], 'B': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}) """ if isinstance(X, list): if len(X) != len(self.channels): raise ValueError("prediction x expected to be a list of shape (output_dims,n)") for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_data(X[i]) elif isinstance(X, dict): for name in X: self.get(name).set_prediction_data(X[name]) else: for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_data(X)
def set_prediction_range(self, start, end, n=None, step=None)
Set the prediction range per channel. Inputs should be lists of shape (input_dims,) for each channel or dicts where the keys are the channel indices.
:list, dict
- Start values for prediction range per channel.
:list, dict
- End values for prediction range per channel.
:list, dict
- Number of points for prediction range per channel.
:list, dict
- Step size for prediction range per channel.
>>> dataset.set_prediction_range([2, 3], [5, 6], [4, None], [None, 0.5]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_range(0.0, 5.0, n=200) # the same for each channel
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def set_prediction_range(self, start, end, n=None, step=None): """ Set the prediction range per channel. Inputs should be lists of shape (input_dims,) for each channel or dicts where the keys are the channel indices. Args: start (list, dict): Start values for prediction range per channel. end (list, dict): End values for prediction range per channel. n (list, dict): Number of points for prediction range per channel. step (list, dict): Step size for prediction range per channel. Examples: >>> dataset.set_prediction_range([2, 3], [5, 6], [4, None], [None, 0.5]) >>> dataset.set_prediction_range(0.0, 5.0, n=200) # the same for each channel """ if not isinstance(start, (list, dict)): start = [start] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(start, dict): start = [start[name] for name in self.get_names()] if not isinstance(end, (list, dict)): end = [end] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(end, dict): end = [end[name] for name in self.get_names()] if n is None: n = [None] * self.get_output_dims() elif not isinstance(n, (list, dict)): n = [n] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(n, dict): n = [n[name] for name in self.get_names()] if step is None: step = [None] * self.get_output_dims() elif not isinstance(step, (list, dict)): step = [step] * self.get_output_dims() elif isinstance(step, dict): step = [step[name] for name in self.get_names()] if len(start) != len(self.channels) or len(end) != len(self.channels) or len(n) != len(self.channels) or len(step) != len(self.channels): raise ValueError("start, end, n, and/or step must be lists of shape (output_dims,n)") for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): channel.set_prediction_range(start[i], end[i], n[i], step[i])
def transform(self, transformer)
Transform each channel by using one of the provided transformers, such as
, etc.Args
- Transformer object derived from TransformBase.
>>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformDetrend(degree=2)) # remove polynomial trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLinear(slope=1, bias=2)) # remove linear trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLog) # log transform the data >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformNormalize) # transform to [-1,1] >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformStandard) # transform to mean=0, var=1
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def transform(self, transformer): """ Transform each channel by using one of the provided transformers, such as `TransformDetrend`, `TransformLinear`, `TransformLog`, `TransformNormalize`, `TransformStandard`, etc. Args: transformer (obj): Transformer object derived from TransformBase. Examples: >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformDetrend(degree=2)) # remove polynomial trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLinear(slope=1, bias=2)) # remove linear trend >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformLog) # log transform the data >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformNormalize) # transform to [-1,1] >>> dataset.transform(mogptk.TransformStandard) # transform to mean=0, var=1 """ for channel in self.channels: channel.transform(transformer)