Module mogptk.gpr.model
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import sys
import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import qmc, gaussian_kde
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from . import Parameter, Mean, Kernel, MultiOutputKernel, Likelihood, MultiOutputLikelihood, GaussianLikelihood, config, plot_gram
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', torch.jit.TracerWarning)
def _init_grid(N, X):
n = np.power(N,1.0/X.shape[1])
if not n.is_integer():
raise ValueError("number of inducing points must equal N = n^%d" % X.shape[1])
n = int(n)
Z = torch.empty((N,X.shape[1]), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
grid = torch.meshgrid([torch.linspace(torch.min(X[:,i]), torch.max(X[:,i]), n) for i in range(X.shape[1])], indexing='ij')
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
Z[:,i] = grid[i].flatten()
return Z
def _init_random(N, X):
sampler = qmc.Halton(d=X.shape[1])
samples = torch.tensor(sampler.random(n=N), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
Z = torch.empty((N,X.shape[1]), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
Z[:,i] = torch.min(X[:,i]) + (torch.max(X[:,i])-torch.min(X[:,i]))*samples[:,i]
return Z
def _init_density(N, X):
kernel = gaussian_kde(X.T.detach().cpu().numpy(), bw_method='scott')
Z = torch.tensor(kernel.resample(N).T, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
return Z
def init_inducing_points(Z, X, method='grid', output_dims=None):
Initialize locations for inducing points.
Z (int,list): Number of inducing points. A list of ints of shape (output_dims,) will initialize the specified number of inducing points per output dimension.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
method (str): Method for initialization, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. If not None, the first input dimension of the input data must contain the channel IDs.
torch.tensor: Inducing point locations of shape (data_points,input_dims). In case of multiple output dimensions, the first input dimension will be the channel ID.
_init = _init_grid
if method == 'random':
_init = _init_random
elif method == 'density':
_init = _init_density
if output_dims is not None:
if isinstance(Z, int) or all(isinstance(z, int) for z in Z) and len(Z) == output_dims:
if isinstance(Z, int):
Z = [Z] * output_dims
M = Z
Z = torch.zeros((sum(M),X.shape[1]))
for j in range(len(M)):
m0 = sum(M[:j])
m = M[j]
Z[m0:m0+m,0] = j
Z[m0:m0+m,1:] = _init(m, X[X[:,0] == j,1:])
elif isinstance(Z, int):
M = Z
Z = _init(M, X)
return Z
class CholeskyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, K, model):
self.message = message
self.K = K
self.model = model
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
Base model class.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
if not issubclass(type(kernel), Kernel):
raise ValueError("kernel must derive from mogptk.gpr.Kernel")
X, y = self._check_input(X, y)
if mean is not None:
if not issubclass(type(mean), Mean):
raise ValueError("mean must derive from mogptk.gpr.Mean")
mu = mean(X).reshape(-1,1)
if mu.shape != y.shape:
raise ValueError("mean and y data must match shapes: %s != %s" % (mu.shape, y.shape))
if issubclass(type(likelihood), MultiOutputLikelihood) and likelihood.output_dims != kernel.output_dims:
raise ValueError("kernel and likelihood must have matching output dimensions")
likelihood.validate_y(X, y)
# limit to number of significant digits
if config.dtype == torch.float32:
jitter = max(jitter, 1e-6)
elif config.dtype == torch.float64:
jitter = max(jitter, 1e-15)
self.kernel = kernel
self.X = X
self.y = y
self.mean = mean
self.likelihood = likelihood
self.jitter = jitter
self.input_dims = X.shape[1]
self._compiled_forward = None
def name(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def forward(self, x=None):
return -self.log_marginal_likelihood() - self.log_prior()
def compile(self):
if self._compiled_forward is None:
self._compiled_forward = torch.jit.trace(self.forward, ())
def __getstate__(self):
state = super().__getstate__()
state['_modules'] = state['_modules'].copy()
state['_modules'].pop('_compiled_forward', None)
return state
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(self, name), Parameter):
raise AttributeError("parameter is read-only, use Parameter.assign()")
if isinstance(val, Parameter) and val._name is None:
val._name = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name)
elif isinstance(val, torch.nn.ModuleList):
for i, item in enumerate(val):
for p in item.parameters():
p._name = '%s[%d].%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, i, p._name)
super().__setattr__(name, val)
def _check_input(self, X, y=None):
if not isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
X = torch.tensor(X, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
X =, config.dtype)
if X.ndim == 0:
X = X.reshape(1,1)
elif X.ndim == 1:
X = X.reshape(-1,1)
elif X.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("X must have dimensions (data_points,input_dims) with input_dims optional")
if X.shape[0] == 0 or X.shape[1] == 0:
raise ValueError("X must not be empty")
if y is not None:
if not isinstance(y, torch.Tensor):
y = torch.tensor(y, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
y =, config.dtype)
if y.ndim == 0:
y = y.reshape(1,1)
elif y.ndim == 1:
y = y.reshape(-1,1)
elif y.ndim != 2 or y.shape[1] != 1:
raise ValueError("y must have one dimension (data_points,)")
if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("number of data points for X and y must match")
return X, y
# X is for prediction
if X.shape[1] != self.input_dims:
raise ValueError("X must have %s input dimensions" % self.input_dims)
return X
def _index_channel(self, value, X):
if self.kernel.output_dims is not None and 0 < value.ndim and value.shape[0] == self.kernel.output_dims:
return torch.index_select(value, dim=0, index=X[:,0].long())
return value
def print_parameters(self, file=None):
Print parameters and their values.
def param_range(lower, upper, train=True, pegged=False):
if lower is not None:
if lower.size == 1:
lower = lower.item()
elif (lower.max()-lower.min())/lower.mean() < 1e-6:
lower = lower.mean().item()
lower = lower.tolist()
if upper is not None:
if upper.size == 1:
upper = upper.item()
elif (upper.max()-upper.min())/upper.mean() < 1e-6:
upper = upper.mean().item()
upper = upper.tolist()
if pegged:
return "pegged"
elif not train:
return "fixed"
if lower is None and upper is None:
return "(-∞, ∞)"
elif lower is None:
return "(-∞, %s]" % upper
elif upper is None:
return "[%s, ∞)" % lower
return "[%s, %s]" % (lower, upper)
if file is None:
get_ipython # fails if we're not in a notebook
table = '<table><tr><th style="text-align:left">Name</th><th>Range</th><th>Value</th></tr>'
for p in self.parameters():
table += '<tr><td style="text-align:left">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy())
table += '</table>'
except Exception as e:
vals = [["Name", "Range", "Value"]]
for p in self.parameters():
vals.append([p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy().tolist()])
nameWidth = max([len(val[0]) for val in vals])
rangeWidth = max([len(val[1]) for val in vals])
for val in vals:
#print("%-*s %-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], rangeWidth, val[1], val[2]), file=file)
print("%-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], val[2]), file=file)
def _cholesky(self, K, add_jitter=False):
if add_jitter:
K = K + (self.jitter * K.diagonal().mean()).repeat(K.shape[0]).diagflat()
return torch.linalg.cholesky(K)
except RuntimeError as e:
print("ERROR:", e.args[0], file=sys.__stdout__)
if K.isnan().any():
print("ERROR: kernel matrix has NaNs!", file=sys.__stdout__)
if K.isinf().any():
print("ERROR: kernel matrix has infinities!", file=sys.__stdout__)
raise CholeskyException(e.args[0], K, self)
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
Return the log marginal likelihood given by
$$ \\log p(y) $$
torch.tensor: Log marginal likelihood.
raise NotImplementedError()
def log_prior(self):
Return the log prior given by
$$ \\log p(\\theta) $$
torch.tensor: Log prior.
return sum([p.log_prior() for p in self.parameters()])
def loss(self):
Model loss for training.
torch.tensor: Loss.
if self._compiled_forward is None:
loss = self.forward()
loss = self._compiled_forward()
return loss
def K(self, X1, X2=None):
Evaluate kernel at `X1` and `X2` and return the NumPy representation.
X1 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points1,input_dims).
X2 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points2,input_dims).
numpy.ndarray: Kernel matrix of shape (data_points1,data_points2).
with torch.inference_mode():
return self.kernel(X1, X2)
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
Get the predictive posterior for values of f.
X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood.
full (bool): Return the full variance matrix as opposed to the diagonal.
torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
torch.tensor: Variance of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1) or (data_points,data_points).
raise NotImplementedError()
def predict_y(self, X, ci=None, sigma=None, n=10000):
Get the predictive posterior for values of y.
X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood.
ci (list of float): Two percentages [lower, upper] in the range of [0,1] that represent the confidence interval.
sigma (float): Number of standard deviations of the confidence interval. Only used for short-path for Gaussian likelihood.
n (int): Number of samples used from distribution to estimate quantile.
torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
torch.tensor: Lower confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
torch.tensor: Upper confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
mu, var = self.predict_f(X)
if ci is None and sigma is not None:
p = 0.5*(1.0 + float(torch.erf(torch.tensor(sigma/np.sqrt(2.0)))))
ci = [1.0-p, p]
return self.likelihood.predict(X, mu, var, ci, sigma=sigma, n=n)
def sample_f(self, Z, n=None, prior=False):
Sample f values from model.
Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims).
n (int): Number of samples.
prior (boolean): Sample from prior instead of posterior.
torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given.
with torch.inference_mode():
Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD
S = n
if n is None:
S = 1
if prior:
mu, var = self.mean(Z), self.kernel(Z)
mu, var = self.predict_f(Z, full=True) # Mx1, MxM
eye = torch.eye(var.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
var += self.jitter * var.diagonal().mean() * eye # MxM
samples_f = torch.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal(mu.reshape(-1), var).sample([S])
if n is None:
samples_f = samples_f.squeeze()
return samples_f
def sample_y(self, Z, n=None):
Sample y values from model.
Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims).
n (int): Number of samples.
torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given.
with torch.inference_mode():
Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD
S = n
if n is None:
S = 1
samples_f = self.sample_f(Z, n=S)
samples_y = self.likelihood.conditional_sample(Z, samples_f)
if n is None:
samples_y = samples_y.squeeze()
return samples_y
class Exact(Model):
Regular Gaussian process regression with a Gaussian likelihood which allows for exact inference.
$$ y \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, K + \\sigma^2I) $$
kernel (mpgptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
variance (float,torch.tensor): Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel.
data_variance (torch.tensor): Assign different and fixed variances per data point of shape (data_points,). These are added to the kernel's diagonal while still training an additional Gaussian variance.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, variance=1.0, data_variance=None, jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
if data_variance is not None:
data_variance = Parameter.to_tensor(data_variance)
if data_variance.ndim != 1 or X.ndim == 2 and data_variance.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("data variance must have shape (data_points,)")
data_variance = data_variance.diagflat()
self.data_variance = data_variance
variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance)
channels = 1
if kernel.output_dims is not None:
channels = kernel.output_dims
if 1 < variance.ndim or variance.ndim == 1 and variance.shape[0] != channels:
raise ValueError("variance must be float or have shape (channels,)")
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean)
self.eye = torch.eye(self.X.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
Kff = self.kernel.K(self.X)
Kff += self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) * self.eye # NxN
if self.data_variance is not None:
Kff += self.data_variance
L = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant
p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken inside the log: L is the square root
p -= 0.5*,L)).squeeze()
return p
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
Kff = self.kernel.K(self.X)
Kff += self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) * self.eye # NxN
if self.data_variance is not None:
Kff += self.data_variance
Kfs = self.kernel.K(self.X,X) # NxM
Lff = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN
v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Lff,Kfs,upper=False) # NxM
mu =,Lff)) # Mx1
if self.mean is not None:
mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1
if full:
Kss = self.kernel.K(X) # MxM
var = Kss - # MxM
Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M
var = Kss_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M
var = var.reshape(-1,1)
return mu, var
class Snelson(Model):
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Snelson and Ghahramani [1] with a Gaussian likelihood and inducing points.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`.
variance (float,torch.tensor): Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
[1] E. Snelson, Z. Ghahramani, "Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs", 2005
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z=10, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance).squeeze()
if 1 < variance.ndim or variance.ndim == 1 and variance.shape[0] != kernel.output_dims:
raise ValueError("variance must be float or have shape (channels,)")
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean)
Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims)
Z = self._check_input(Z)
self.eye = torch.eye(Z.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points")
if kernel.output_dims is not None:
self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0]
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N
Kuf = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN
Kuu = self.kernel.K(self.Z()) # MxM
Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Luu = Kuu^(1/2)
v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf
g = Kff_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) + self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) # N; diag(Kff-Qff) + sigma^2.I
G = torch.diagflat(1.0/g) # N
L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(1/2)
c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False) # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.y
p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant
p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken as the square root of L
p -= 0.5*g.log().sum()
p -= 0.5*
p += 0.5*
return p
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N
Kuf = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN
Kuu = self.kernel.K(self.Z()) # MxM
Kus = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),X) # MxS
Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2)
v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf
g = Kff_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) + self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X)
G = torch.diagflat(1.0/g) # N
L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(1/2)
a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # NxM
b = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,a,upper=False)
c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False) # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.y
mu = # Mx1
if self.mean is not None:
mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1
if full:
Kss = self.kernel(X) # MxM
var = Kss - + # MxM
Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M
var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M
var = var.reshape(-1,1)
return mu, var
class OpperArchambeau(Model):
A Gaussian process regression based on Opper and Archambeau [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
[1] M. Opper, C. Archambeau, "The Variational Gaussian Approximation Revisited", 2009
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0),
jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, likelihood, jitter, mean)
n = self.X.shape[0]
self.eye = torch.eye(n, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
self.q_nu = Parameter(torch.zeros(n,1))
self.q_lambda = Parameter(torch.ones(n,1), lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.likelihood = likelihood
def elbo(self):
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
q_nu = self.q_nu()
q_lambda = self.q_lambda()
Kff = self.kernel(self.X) # NxN
L = self._cholesky(q_lambda*q_lambda.T*Kff + self.eye)
invL = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,self.eye,upper=False) # NxN
qf_mu =
qf_var_diag = 1.0/q_lambda.square() - (,1)
kl = # Mahalanobis
kl += L.diagonal().square().log().sum() # determinant TODO: is this correct?
#kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace
kl += invL.square().sum() # trace
kl -= q_nu.shape[0]
if self.mean is not None:
qf_mu = qf_mu - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1
var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag)
#eye = torch.eye(q_lambda.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
#qf_var = (1.0/q_lambda.square())*eye -
#kl = -q_nu.shape[0]
#kl += # Mahalanobis
#kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant
#kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace
#kl = -q_nu.shape[0]
#kl += # Mahalanobis
#kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant
#kl += qf_var_diag.sum() # trace
return var_exp - 0.5*kl
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
# maximize the lower bound
return self.elbo()
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
Kff = self.kernel(self.X)
Kfs = self.kernel(self.X,X) # NxS
L = self._cholesky(Kff + (1.0/self.q_lambda().square()).diagflat()) # NxN
a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,Kfs,upper=False) # NxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus
mu = # Sx1
if self.mean is not None:
mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1
if full:
Kss = self.kernel(X) # SxS
var = Kss - # SxS
Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M
var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M
var = var.reshape(-1,1)
return mu, var
class Titsias(Model):
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Titsias [1] with a Gaussian likelihood.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`.
variance (float): Gaussian likelihood initial variance.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
[1] Titsias, "Variational learning of induced variables in sparse Gaussian processes", 2009
# See:
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
# TODO: variance per channel
variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance)
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean)
Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims)
Z = self._check_input(Z)
self.eye = torch.eye(Z.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points")
if kernel.output_dims is not None:
self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0]
def elbo(self):
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N
Kuf = self.kernel(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN
Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) # MxM
Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2)
v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf
Q = # MxM; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2)
L = self._cholesky(Q/self.likelihood.scale().square() + self.eye) # MxM; (Q/sigma^2 + I)^(1/2)
c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False)/self.likelihood.scale().square() # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y
# p = log N(0, Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf + I/sigma^2) - 1/(2.sigma^2).Trace(Kff - Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf)
p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant
p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken as the square root of L
p -= self.X.shape[0]*self.likelihood.scale().log()
p -= 0.5*
p += 0.5*
p -= 0.5*(Kff_diag.sum() - Q.trace())/self.likelihood.scale().square() # trace
return p
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
# maximize the lower bound
return self.elbo()
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
Kus = self.kernel(self.Z(),X) # MxS
Kuf = self.kernel(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN
Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) # MxM
Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2)
v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf
L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2)/sigma^2 + I)^(1/2)
a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # MxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus
b = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,a,upper=False) # MxS; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kus
c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False)/self.likelihood.scale().square() # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y
# mu = sigma^(-2).Ksu.Kuu^(-1/2).(sigma^(-2).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y
mu = # Mx1
if self.mean is not None:
mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1
# var = Kss - Qsf.(Qff + sigma^2 I)^(-1).Qfs
# below is the equivalent but more stable version by using the matrix inversion lemma
# var = Kss - Ksu.Kuu^(-1).Kus + Ksu.Kuu^(-1/2).(sigma^(-2).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kus
if full:
Kss = self.kernel(X) # MxM
var = Kss - + # MxM
Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M
var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M
var = var.reshape(-1,1)
return mu, var
class SparseHensman(Model):
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`.
likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
[1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015
# This version replaces mu_q by L.mu_q and sigma_q by L.sigma_q.L^T, where LL^T = Kuu
# So that p(u) ~ N(0,1) and q(u) ~ N(L.mu_q, L.sigma_q.L^T)
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z=None, Z_init='grid', likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0),
jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, likelihood, jitter, mean)
n = self.X.shape[0]
self.is_sparse = Z is not None
if self.is_sparse:
Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims)
Z = self._check_input(Z)
n = Z.shape[0]
self.eye = torch.eye(n, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
self.q_mu = Parameter(torch.zeros(n,1))
self.q_sqrt = Parameter(torch.eye(n))
self.q_sqrt.num_parameters = int((n*n+n)/2)
if self.is_sparse:
self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points")
if kernel.output_dims is not None:
self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0]
self.Z = Parameter(self.X, train=False) # don't use inducing points
def kl_gaussian(self, q_mu, q_sqrt):
S_diag = q_sqrt.diagonal().square() # NxN
kl = # Mahalanobis
kl -= S_diag.log().sum() # determinant of q_var
kl += S_diag.sum() # same as Trace(p_var^(-1).q_var)
kl -= q_mu.shape[0]
return 0.5*kl
def elbo(self):
if self.mean is not None:
y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1
y = self.y # Nx1
if self.is_sparse:
qf_mu, qf_var_diag = self._predict_f(self.X, full=False)
Kff = self.kernel(self.X)
Lff = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN
qf_mu =
if self.mean is not None:
qf_mu -= self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1
qf_sqrt =
qf_var_diag =,1)
var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag)
kl = self.kl_gaussian(self.q_mu(), self.q_sqrt())
return var_exp - kl
def log_marginal_likelihood(self):
# maximize the lower bound
return self.elbo()
def _predict_f(self, X, full=False):
Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z())
Kus = self.kernel(self.Z(),X) # NxS
Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # NxN
a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # NxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus
b = self.q_sqrt().tril(),Kus,upper=False))
mu =,self.q_mu(),upper=True)) # Sx1
if full:
Kss = self.kernel(X) # SxS
var = Kss - + # SxS
Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M
var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M
var = var.reshape(-1,1)
return mu, var
def predict_f(self, X, full=False):
with torch.inference_mode():
X = self._check_input(X) # MxD
mu, var = self._predict_f(X, full=full)
if self.mean is not None:
mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1
return mu, var
class Hensman(SparseHensman):
A Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood. This is equivalent to the `SparseHensman` model if we set the inducing points equal to the data points and by turning off training the inducing points.
kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel.
X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,).
likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood.
jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean.
[1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015
def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None):
super().__init__(kernel, X, y, None, 'grid', likelihood, jitter, mean)
def init_inducing_points(Z, X, method='grid', output_dims=None)
Initialize locations for inducing points.
- Number of inducing points. A list of ints of shape (output_dims,) will initialize the specified number of inducing points per output dimension.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Method for initialization, can be
, ordensity
. output_dims
- Number of output dimensions. If not None, the first input dimension of the input data must contain the channel IDs.
- Inducing point locations of shape (data_points,input_dims). In case of multiple output dimensions, the first input dimension will be the channel ID.
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def init_inducing_points(Z, X, method='grid', output_dims=None): """ Initialize locations for inducing points. Args: Z (int,list): Number of inducing points. A list of ints of shape (output_dims,) will initialize the specified number of inducing points per output dimension. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). method (str): Method for initialization, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`. output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. If not None, the first input dimension of the input data must contain the channel IDs. Returns: torch.tensor: Inducing point locations of shape (data_points,input_dims). In case of multiple output dimensions, the first input dimension will be the channel ID. """ _init = _init_grid if method == 'random': _init = _init_random elif method == 'density': _init = _init_density if output_dims is not None: if isinstance(Z, int) or all(isinstance(z, int) for z in Z) and len(Z) == output_dims: if isinstance(Z, int): Z = [Z] * output_dims M = Z Z = torch.zeros((sum(M),X.shape[1])) for j in range(len(M)): m0 = sum(M[:j]) m = M[j] Z[m0:m0+m,0] = j Z[m0:m0+m,1:] = _init(m, X[X[:,0] == j,1:]) elif isinstance(Z, int): M = Z Z = _init(M, X) return Z
class CholeskyException (message, K, model)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class CholeskyException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, K, model): self.message = message self.K = K self.model = model def __str__(self): return self.message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class Exact (kernel, X, y, variance=1.0, data_variance=None, jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
Regular Gaussian process regression with a Gaussian likelihood which allows for exact inference.
y \sim \mathcal{N}(0, K + \sigma^2I)
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel.
- Assign different and fixed variances per data point of shape (data_points,). These are added to the kernel's diagonal while still training an additional Gaussian variance.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Exact(Model): """ Regular Gaussian process regression with a Gaussian likelihood which allows for exact inference. $$ y \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, K + \\sigma^2I) $$ Args: kernel (mpgptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). variance (float,torch.tensor): Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel. data_variance (torch.tensor): Assign different and fixed variances per data point of shape (data_points,). These are added to the kernel's diagonal while still training an additional Gaussian variance. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. """ def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, variance=1.0, data_variance=None, jitter=1e-8, mean=None): if data_variance is not None: data_variance = Parameter.to_tensor(data_variance) if data_variance.ndim != 1 or X.ndim == 2 and data_variance.shape[0] != X.shape[0]: raise ValueError("data variance must have shape (data_points,)") data_variance = data_variance.diagflat() self.data_variance = data_variance variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance) channels = 1 if kernel.output_dims is not None: channels = kernel.output_dims if 1 < variance.ndim or variance.ndim == 1 and variance.shape[0] != channels: raise ValueError("variance must be float or have shape (channels,)") super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean) self.eye = torch.eye(self.X.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi) def log_marginal_likelihood(self): Kff = self.kernel.K(self.X) Kff += self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) * self.eye # NxN if self.data_variance is not None: Kff += self.data_variance L = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken inside the log: L is the square root p -= 0.5*,L)).squeeze() return p def predict_f(self, X, full=False): with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kff = self.kernel.K(self.X) Kff += self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) * self.eye # NxN if self.data_variance is not None: Kff += self.data_variance Kfs = self.kernel.K(self.X,X) # NxM Lff = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Lff,Kfs,upper=False) # NxM mu =,Lff)) # Mx1 if self.mean is not None: mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1 if full: Kss = self.kernel.K(X) # MxM var = Kss - # MxM else: Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M var = Kss_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M var = var.reshape(-1,1) return mu, var
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class Hensman (kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(), jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
A Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood. This is equivalent to the
model if we set the inducing points equal to the data points and by turning off training the inducing points.Args
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Likelihood.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
[1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Hensman(SparseHensman): """ A Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood. This is equivalent to the `SparseHensman` model if we set the inducing points equal to the data points and by turning off training the inducing points. Args: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. [1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015 """ def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None): super().__init__(kernel, X, y, None, 'grid', likelihood, jitter, mean)
- SparseHensman
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class Model (kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(), jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
Base model class.
- Kernel.
- Likelihood.
- Mean.
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Model(torch.nn.Module): """ Base model class. Attributes: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. """ def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None): super().__init__() if not issubclass(type(kernel), Kernel): raise ValueError("kernel must derive from mogptk.gpr.Kernel") X, y = self._check_input(X, y) if mean is not None: if not issubclass(type(mean), Mean): raise ValueError("mean must derive from mogptk.gpr.Mean") mu = mean(X).reshape(-1,1) if mu.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("mean and y data must match shapes: %s != %s" % (mu.shape, y.shape)) if issubclass(type(likelihood), MultiOutputLikelihood) and likelihood.output_dims != kernel.output_dims: raise ValueError("kernel and likelihood must have matching output dimensions") likelihood.validate_y(X, y) # limit to number of significant digits if config.dtype == torch.float32: jitter = max(jitter, 1e-6) elif config.dtype == torch.float64: jitter = max(jitter, 1e-15) self.kernel = kernel self.X = X self.y = y self.mean = mean self.likelihood = likelihood self.jitter = jitter self.input_dims = X.shape[1] self._compiled_forward = None def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def forward(self, x=None): return -self.log_marginal_likelihood() - self.log_prior() def compile(self): if self._compiled_forward is None: self._compiled_forward = torch.jit.trace(self.forward, ()) def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() state['_modules'] = state['_modules'].copy() state['_modules'].pop('_compiled_forward', None) return state def __setattr__(self, name, val): if hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(self, name), Parameter): raise AttributeError("parameter is read-only, use Parameter.assign()") if isinstance(val, Parameter) and val._name is None: val._name = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name) elif isinstance(val, torch.nn.ModuleList): for i, item in enumerate(val): for p in item.parameters(): p._name = '%s[%d].%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, i, p._name) super().__setattr__(name, val) def _check_input(self, X, y=None): if not isinstance(X, torch.Tensor): X = torch.tensor(X, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) else: X =, config.dtype) if X.ndim == 0: X = X.reshape(1,1) elif X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape(-1,1) elif X.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("X must have dimensions (data_points,input_dims) with input_dims optional") if X.shape[0] == 0 or X.shape[1] == 0: raise ValueError("X must not be empty") if y is not None: if not isinstance(y, torch.Tensor): y = torch.tensor(y, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) else: y =, config.dtype) if y.ndim == 0: y = y.reshape(1,1) elif y.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(-1,1) elif y.ndim != 2 or y.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError("y must have one dimension (data_points,)") if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("number of data points for X and y must match") return X, y else: # X is for prediction if X.shape[1] != self.input_dims: raise ValueError("X must have %s input dimensions" % self.input_dims) return X def _index_channel(self, value, X): if self.kernel.output_dims is not None and 0 < value.ndim and value.shape[0] == self.kernel.output_dims: return torch.index_select(value, dim=0, index=X[:,0].long()) return value def print_parameters(self, file=None): """ Print parameters and their values. """ def param_range(lower, upper, train=True, pegged=False): if lower is not None: if lower.size == 1: lower = lower.item() elif (lower.max()-lower.min())/lower.mean() < 1e-6: lower = lower.mean().item() else: lower = lower.tolist() if upper is not None: if upper.size == 1: upper = upper.item() elif (upper.max()-upper.min())/upper.mean() < 1e-6: upper = upper.mean().item() else: upper = upper.tolist() if pegged: return "pegged" elif not train: return "fixed" if lower is None and upper is None: return "(-∞, ∞)" elif lower is None: return "(-∞, %s]" % upper elif upper is None: return "[%s, ∞)" % lower return "[%s, %s]" % (lower, upper) if file is None: try: get_ipython # fails if we're not in a notebook table = '<table><tr><th style="text-align:left">Name</th><th>Range</th><th>Value</th></tr>' for p in self.parameters(): table += '<tr><td style="text-align:left">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy()) table += '</table>' display(HTML(table)) return except Exception as e: pass vals = [["Name", "Range", "Value"]] for p in self.parameters(): vals.append([p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy().tolist()]) nameWidth = max([len(val[0]) for val in vals]) rangeWidth = max([len(val[1]) for val in vals]) for val in vals: #print("%-*s %-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], rangeWidth, val[1], val[2]), file=file) print("%-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], val[2]), file=file) def _cholesky(self, K, add_jitter=False): if add_jitter: K = K + (self.jitter * K.diagonal().mean()).repeat(K.shape[0]).diagflat() try: return torch.linalg.cholesky(K) except RuntimeError as e: print("ERROR:", e.args[0], file=sys.__stdout__) if K.isnan().any(): print("ERROR: kernel matrix has NaNs!", file=sys.__stdout__) if K.isinf().any(): print("ERROR: kernel matrix has infinities!", file=sys.__stdout__) self.print_parameters() plot_gram(K) raise CholeskyException(e.args[0], K, self) def log_marginal_likelihood(self): """ Return the log marginal likelihood given by $$ \\log p(y) $$ Returns: torch.tensor: Log marginal likelihood. """ raise NotImplementedError() def log_prior(self): """ Return the log prior given by $$ \\log p(\\theta) $$ Returns: torch.tensor: Log prior. """ return sum([p.log_prior() for p in self.parameters()]) def loss(self): """ Model loss for training. Returns: torch.tensor: Loss. """ self.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if self._compiled_forward is None: loss = self.forward() else: loss = self._compiled_forward() loss.backward() return loss def K(self, X1, X2=None): """ Evaluate kernel at `X1` and `X2` and return the NumPy representation. Args: X1 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points1,input_dims). X2 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points2,input_dims). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Kernel matrix of shape (data_points1,data_points2). """ with torch.inference_mode(): return self.kernel(X1, X2) def predict_f(self, X, full=False): """ Get the predictive posterior for values of f. Args: X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood. full (bool): Return the full variance matrix as opposed to the diagonal. Returns: torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Variance of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1) or (data_points,data_points). """ raise NotImplementedError() def predict_y(self, X, ci=None, sigma=None, n=10000): """ Get the predictive posterior for values of y. Args: X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood. ci (list of float): Two percentages [lower, upper] in the range of [0,1] that represent the confidence interval. sigma (float): Number of standard deviations of the confidence interval. Only used for short-path for Gaussian likelihood. n (int): Number of samples used from distribution to estimate quantile. Returns: torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Lower confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Upper confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). """ with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD mu, var = self.predict_f(X) if ci is None and sigma is not None: p = 0.5*(1.0 + float(torch.erf(torch.tensor(sigma/np.sqrt(2.0))))) ci = [1.0-p, p] return self.likelihood.predict(X, mu, var, ci, sigma=sigma, n=n) def sample_f(self, Z, n=None, prior=False): """ Sample f values from model. Args: Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims). n (int): Number of samples. prior (boolean): Sample from prior instead of posterior. Returns: torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given. """ with torch.inference_mode(): Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD S = n if n is None: S = 1 if prior: mu, var = self.mean(Z), self.kernel(Z) else: mu, var = self.predict_f(Z, full=True) # Mx1, MxM eye = torch.eye(var.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) var += self.jitter * var.diagonal().mean() * eye # MxM samples_f = torch.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal(mu.reshape(-1), var).sample([S]) if n is None: samples_f = samples_f.squeeze() return samples_f def sample_y(self, Z, n=None): """ Sample y values from model. Args: Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims). n (int): Number of samples. Returns: torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given. """ with torch.inference_mode(): Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD S = n if n is None: S = 1 samples_f = self.sample_f(Z, n=S) samples_y = self.likelihood.conditional_sample(Z, samples_f) if n is None: samples_y = samples_y.squeeze() return samples_y
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def K(self, X1, X2=None)
Evaluate kernel at
and return the NumPy representation.Args
- Input of shape (data_points1,input_dims).
- Input of shape (data_points2,input_dims).
- Kernel matrix of shape (data_points1,data_points2).
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def K(self, X1, X2=None): """ Evaluate kernel at `X1` and `X2` and return the NumPy representation. Args: X1 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points1,input_dims). X2 (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points2,input_dims). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Kernel matrix of shape (data_points1,data_points2). """ with torch.inference_mode(): return self.kernel(X1, X2)
def compile(self)
Compile this Module's forward using :func:
.This Module's
method is compiled and all arguments are passed as-is to :func:torch.compile
.See :func:
for details on the arguments for this function.Expand source code Browse git
def compile(self): if self._compiled_forward is None: self._compiled_forward = torch.jit.trace(self.forward, ())
def forward(self, x=None)
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.Expand source code Browse git
def forward(self, x=None): return -self.log_marginal_likelihood() - self.log_prior()
def log_marginal_likelihood(self)
Return the log marginal likelihood given by
\log p(y)
- Log marginal likelihood.
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def log_marginal_likelihood(self): """ Return the log marginal likelihood given by $$ \\log p(y) $$ Returns: torch.tensor: Log marginal likelihood. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def log_prior(self)
Return the log prior given by
\log p(\theta)
- Log prior.
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def log_prior(self): """ Return the log prior given by $$ \\log p(\\theta) $$ Returns: torch.tensor: Log prior. """ return sum([p.log_prior() for p in self.parameters()])
def loss(self)
Model loss for training.
- Loss.
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def loss(self): """ Model loss for training. Returns: torch.tensor: Loss. """ self.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if self._compiled_forward is None: loss = self.forward() else: loss = self._compiled_forward() loss.backward() return loss
def name(self)
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def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__
def predict_f(self, X, full=False)
Get the predictive posterior for values of f.
- Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood.
- Return the full variance matrix as opposed to the diagonal.
- Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
- Variance of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1) or (data_points,data_points).
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def predict_f(self, X, full=False): """ Get the predictive posterior for values of f. Args: X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood. full (bool): Return the full variance matrix as opposed to the diagonal. Returns: torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Variance of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1) or (data_points,data_points). """ raise NotImplementedError()
def predict_y(self, X, ci=None, sigma=None, n=10000)
Get the predictive posterior for values of y.
- Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood.
- Two percentages [lower, upper] in the range of [0,1] that represent the confidence interval.
- Number of standard deviations of the confidence interval. Only used for short-path for Gaussian likelihood.
- Number of samples used from distribution to estimate quantile.
- Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
- Lower confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
- Upper confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1).
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def predict_y(self, X, ci=None, sigma=None, n=10000): """ Get the predictive posterior for values of y. Args: X (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims) needed for multi-output likelihood. ci (list of float): Two percentages [lower, upper] in the range of [0,1] that represent the confidence interval. sigma (float): Number of standard deviations of the confidence interval. Only used for short-path for Gaussian likelihood. n (int): Number of samples used from distribution to estimate quantile. Returns: torch.tensor: Mean of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Lower confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). torch.tensor: Upper confidence boundary of the predictive posterior of shape (data_points,1). """ with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD mu, var = self.predict_f(X) if ci is None and sigma is not None: p = 0.5*(1.0 + float(torch.erf(torch.tensor(sigma/np.sqrt(2.0))))) ci = [1.0-p, p] return self.likelihood.predict(X, mu, var, ci, sigma=sigma, n=n)
def print_parameters(self, file=None)
Print parameters and their values.
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def print_parameters(self, file=None): """ Print parameters and their values. """ def param_range(lower, upper, train=True, pegged=False): if lower is not None: if lower.size == 1: lower = lower.item() elif (lower.max()-lower.min())/lower.mean() < 1e-6: lower = lower.mean().item() else: lower = lower.tolist() if upper is not None: if upper.size == 1: upper = upper.item() elif (upper.max()-upper.min())/upper.mean() < 1e-6: upper = upper.mean().item() else: upper = upper.tolist() if pegged: return "pegged" elif not train: return "fixed" if lower is None and upper is None: return "(-∞, ∞)" elif lower is None: return "(-∞, %s]" % upper elif upper is None: return "[%s, ∞)" % lower return "[%s, %s]" % (lower, upper) if file is None: try: get_ipython # fails if we're not in a notebook table = '<table><tr><th style="text-align:left">Name</th><th>Range</th><th>Value</th></tr>' for p in self.parameters(): table += '<tr><td style="text-align:left">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy()) table += '</table>' display(HTML(table)) return except Exception as e: pass vals = [["Name", "Range", "Value"]] for p in self.parameters(): vals.append([p._name, param_range(p.lower, p.upper, p.train, p.pegged), p.numpy().tolist()]) nameWidth = max([len(val[0]) for val in vals]) rangeWidth = max([len(val[1]) for val in vals]) for val in vals: #print("%-*s %-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], rangeWidth, val[1], val[2]), file=file) print("%-*s %s" % (nameWidth, val[0], val[2]), file=file)
def sample_f(self, Z, n=None, prior=False)
Sample f values from model.
- Input of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Number of samples.
- Sample from prior instead of posterior.
- Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if
is not given.
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def sample_f(self, Z, n=None, prior=False): """ Sample f values from model. Args: Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims). n (int): Number of samples. prior (boolean): Sample from prior instead of posterior. Returns: torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given. """ with torch.inference_mode(): Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD S = n if n is None: S = 1 if prior: mu, var = self.mean(Z), self.kernel(Z) else: mu, var = self.predict_f(Z, full=True) # Mx1, MxM eye = torch.eye(var.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) var += self.jitter * var.diagonal().mean() * eye # MxM samples_f = torch.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal(mu.reshape(-1), var).sample([S]) if n is None: samples_f = samples_f.squeeze() return samples_f
def sample_y(self, Z, n=None)
Sample y values from model.
- Input of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Number of samples.
- Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if
is not given.
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def sample_y(self, Z, n=None): """ Sample y values from model. Args: Z (torch.tensor): Input of shape (data_points,input_dims). n (int): Number of samples. Returns: torch.tensor: Samples of shape (data_points,n) or (data_points,) if `n` is not given. """ with torch.inference_mode(): Z = self._check_input(Z) # MxD S = n if n is None: S = 1 samples_f = self.sample_f(Z, n=S) samples_y = self.likelihood.conditional_sample(Z, samples_f) if n is None: samples_y = samples_y.squeeze() return samples_y
class OpperArchambeau (kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(), jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
A Gaussian process regression based on Opper and Archambeau [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood.
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Likelihood.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
[1] M. Opper, C. Archambeau, "The Variational Gaussian Approximation Revisited", 2009
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class OpperArchambeau(Model): """ A Gaussian process regression based on Opper and Archambeau [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood. Args: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. [1] M. Opper, C. Archambeau, "The Variational Gaussian Approximation Revisited", 2009 """ def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None): super().__init__(kernel, X, y, likelihood, jitter, mean) n = self.X.shape[0] self.eye = torch.eye(n, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) self.q_nu = Parameter(torch.zeros(n,1)) self.q_lambda = Parameter(torch.ones(n,1), lower=config.positive_minimum) self.likelihood = likelihood def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 q_nu = self.q_nu() q_lambda = self.q_lambda() Kff = self.kernel(self.X) # NxN L = self._cholesky(q_lambda*q_lambda.T*Kff + self.eye) invL = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,self.eye,upper=False) # NxN qf_mu = qf_var_diag = 1.0/q_lambda.square() - (,1) kl = # Mahalanobis kl += L.diagonal().square().log().sum() # determinant TODO: is this correct? #kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace kl += invL.square().sum() # trace kl -= q_nu.shape[0] if self.mean is not None: qf_mu = qf_mu - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1 var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag) #eye = torch.eye(q_lambda.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) #qf_var = (1.0/q_lambda.square())*eye - #kl = -q_nu.shape[0] #kl += # Mahalanobis #kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant #kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace #kl = -q_nu.shape[0] #kl += # Mahalanobis #kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant #kl += qf_var_diag.sum() # trace return var_exp - 0.5*kl def log_marginal_likelihood(self): # maximize the lower bound return self.elbo() def predict_f(self, X, full=False): with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD Kff = self.kernel(self.X) Kfs = self.kernel(self.X,X) # NxS L = self._cholesky(Kff + (1.0/self.q_lambda().square()).diagflat()) # NxN a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,Kfs,upper=False) # NxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus mu = # Sx1 if self.mean is not None: mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1 if full: Kss = self.kernel(X) # SxS var = Kss - # SxS else: Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M var = var.reshape(-1,1) return mu, var
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def elbo(self)
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def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 q_nu = self.q_nu() q_lambda = self.q_lambda() Kff = self.kernel(self.X) # NxN L = self._cholesky(q_lambda*q_lambda.T*Kff + self.eye) invL = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,self.eye,upper=False) # NxN qf_mu = qf_var_diag = 1.0/q_lambda.square() - (,1) kl = # Mahalanobis kl += L.diagonal().square().log().sum() # determinant TODO: is this correct? #kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace kl += invL.square().sum() # trace kl -= q_nu.shape[0] if self.mean is not None: qf_mu = qf_mu - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1 var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag) #eye = torch.eye(q_lambda.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) #qf_var = (1.0/q_lambda.square())*eye - #kl = -q_nu.shape[0] #kl += # Mahalanobis #kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant #kl += invL.diagonal().square().sum() # trace #kl = -q_nu.shape[0] #kl += # Mahalanobis #kl -= qf_var.det().log() # determinant #kl += qf_var_diag.sum() # trace return var_exp - 0.5*kl
Inherited members
class Snelson (kernel, X, y, Z=10, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Snelson and Ghahramani [1] with a Gaussian likelihood and inducing points.
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
- Method for initialization of inducing points, can be
, ordensity
. variance
- Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
[1] E. Snelson, Z. Ghahramani, "Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs", 2005
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Snelson(Model): """ A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Snelson and Ghahramani [1] with a Gaussian likelihood and inducing points. Args: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points. Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`. variance (float,torch.tensor): Gaussian likelihood initial variance. Passing a float will train a single variance for all channels. Passing a tensor of shape (channels,) will assign and train different variances per multi-output channel. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. [1] E. Snelson, Z. Ghahramani, "Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs", 2005 """ def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z=10, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-8, mean=None): variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance).squeeze() if 1 < variance.ndim or variance.ndim == 1 and variance.shape[0] != kernel.output_dims: raise ValueError("variance must be float or have shape (channels,)") super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean) Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims) Z = self._check_input(Z) self.eye = torch.eye(Z.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi) self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points") if kernel.output_dims is not None: self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0] def log_marginal_likelihood(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N Kuf = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN Kuu = self.kernel.K(self.Z()) # MxM Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Luu = Kuu^(1/2) v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf g = Kff_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) + self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) # N; diag(Kff-Qff) + sigma^2.I G = torch.diagflat(1.0/g) # N L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(1/2) c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False) # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.y p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken as the square root of L p -= 0.5*g.log().sum() p -= 0.5* p += 0.5* return p def predict_f(self, X, full=False): with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N Kuf = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN Kuu = self.kernel.K(self.Z()) # MxM Kus = self.kernel.K(self.Z(),X) # MxS Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2) v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf g = Kff_diag - v.T.square().sum(dim=1) + self._index_channel(self.likelihood.scale().square(), self.X) G = torch.diagflat(1.0/g) # N L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(1/2) a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # NxM b = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,a,upper=False) c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False) # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.G.y mu = # Mx1 if self.mean is not None: mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1 if full: Kss = self.kernel(X) # MxM var = Kss - + # MxM else: Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M var = var.reshape(-1,1) return mu, var
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
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class SparseHensman (kernel, X, y, Z=None, Z_init='grid', likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(), jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood.
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
- Method for initialization of inducing points, can be
, ordensity
. likelihood
- Likelihood.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
[1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class SparseHensman(Model): """ A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Hensman et al. [1] with a non-Gaussian likelihood. Args: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points. Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`. likelihood (mogptk.gpr.likelihood.Likelihood): Likelihood. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. [1] J. Hensman, et al., "Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification", 2015 """ # This version replaces mu_q by L.mu_q and sigma_q by L.sigma_q.L^T, where LL^T = Kuu # So that p(u) ~ N(0,1) and q(u) ~ N(L.mu_q, L.sigma_q.L^T) def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z=None, Z_init='grid', likelihood=GaussianLikelihood(1.0), jitter=1e-8, mean=None): super().__init__(kernel, X, y, likelihood, jitter, mean) n = self.X.shape[0] self.is_sparse = Z is not None if self.is_sparse: Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims) Z = self._check_input(Z) n = Z.shape[0] self.eye = torch.eye(n, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi) self.q_mu = Parameter(torch.zeros(n,1)) self.q_sqrt = Parameter(torch.eye(n)) self.q_sqrt.num_parameters = int((n*n+n)/2) if self.is_sparse: self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points") if kernel.output_dims is not None: self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0] else: self.Z = Parameter(self.X, train=False) # don't use inducing points def kl_gaussian(self, q_mu, q_sqrt): S_diag = q_sqrt.diagonal().square() # NxN kl = # Mahalanobis kl -= S_diag.log().sum() # determinant of q_var kl += S_diag.sum() # same as Trace(p_var^(-1).q_var) kl -= q_mu.shape[0] return 0.5*kl def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 if self.is_sparse: qf_mu, qf_var_diag = self._predict_f(self.X, full=False) else: Kff = self.kernel(self.X) Lff = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN qf_mu = if self.mean is not None: qf_mu -= self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1 qf_sqrt = qf_var_diag =,1) var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag) kl = self.kl_gaussian(self.q_mu(), self.q_sqrt()) return var_exp - kl def log_marginal_likelihood(self): # maximize the lower bound return self.elbo() def _predict_f(self, X, full=False): Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) Kus = self.kernel(self.Z(),X) # NxS Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # NxN a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # NxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus b = self.q_sqrt().tril(),Kus,upper=False)) mu =,self.q_mu(),upper=True)) # Sx1 if full: Kss = self.kernel(X) # SxS var = Kss - + # SxS else: Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M var = var.reshape(-1,1) return mu, var def predict_f(self, X, full=False): with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD mu, var = self._predict_f(X, full=full) if self.mean is not None: mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1 return mu, var
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def elbo(self)
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def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 if self.is_sparse: qf_mu, qf_var_diag = self._predict_f(self.X, full=False) else: Kff = self.kernel(self.X) Lff = self._cholesky(Kff, add_jitter=True) # NxN qf_mu = if self.mean is not None: qf_mu -= self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Sx1 qf_sqrt = qf_var_diag =,1) var_exp = self.likelihood.variational_expectation(self.X, y, qf_mu, qf_var_diag) kl = self.kl_gaussian(self.q_mu(), self.q_sqrt()) return var_exp - kl
def kl_gaussian(self, q_mu, q_sqrt)
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def kl_gaussian(self, q_mu, q_sqrt): S_diag = q_sqrt.diagonal().square() # NxN kl = # Mahalanobis kl -= S_diag.log().sum() # determinant of q_var kl += S_diag.sum() # same as Trace(p_var^(-1).q_var) kl -= q_mu.shape[0] return 0.5*kl
Inherited members
class Titsias (kernel, X, y, Z, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-08, mean=None)
A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Titsias [1] with a Gaussian likelihood.
- Kernel.
- Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims).
- Output data of shape (data_points,).
- Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points.
- Method for initialization of inducing points, can be
, ordensity
. variance
- Gaussian likelihood initial variance.
- Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky.
- Mean.
[1] Titsias, "Variational learning of induced variables in sparse Gaussian processes", 2009
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Titsias(Model): """ A sparse Gaussian process regression based on Titsias [1] with a Gaussian likelihood. Args: kernel (mogptk.gpr.kernel.Kernel): Kernel. X (torch.tensor): Input data of shape (data_points,input_dims). y (torch.tensor): Output data of shape (data_points,). Z (int,torch.tensor): Number of inducing points to be distributed over the input space. Passing a tensor of shape (inducing_points,input_dims) sets the initial positions of the inducing points. Z_init (str): Method for initialization of inducing points, can be `grid`, `random`, or `density`. variance (float): Gaussian likelihood initial variance. jitter (float): Relative jitter of the diagonal's mean added to the kernel's diagonal before calculating the Cholesky. mean (mogptk.gpr.mean.Mean): Mean. [1] Titsias, "Variational learning of induced variables in sparse Gaussian processes", 2009 """ # See: def __init__(self, kernel, X, y, Z, Z_init='grid', variance=1.0, jitter=1e-8, mean=None): # TODO: variance per channel variance = Parameter.to_tensor(variance) super().__init__(kernel, X, y, GaussianLikelihood(torch.sqrt(variance)), jitter, mean) Z = init_inducing_points(Z, self.X, method=Z_init, output_dims=kernel.output_dims) Z = self._check_input(Z) self.eye = torch.eye(Z.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant = 0.5*self.X.shape[0]*np.log(2.0*np.pi) self.Z = Parameter(Z, name="induction_points") if kernel.output_dims is not None: self.Z.num_parameters -= self.Z().shape[0] def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N Kuf = self.kernel(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) # MxM Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2) v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf Q = # MxM; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) L = self._cholesky(Q/self.likelihood.scale().square() + self.eye) # MxM; (Q/sigma^2 + I)^(1/2) c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False)/self.likelihood.scale().square() # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y # p = log N(0, Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf + I/sigma^2) - 1/(2.sigma^2).Trace(Kff - Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf) p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken as the square root of L p -= self.X.shape[0]*self.likelihood.scale().log() p -= 0.5* p += 0.5* p -= 0.5*(Kff_diag.sum() - Q.trace())/self.likelihood.scale().square() # trace return p def log_marginal_likelihood(self): # maximize the lower bound return self.elbo() def predict_f(self, X, full=False): with torch.inference_mode(): X = self._check_input(X) # MxD if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kus = self.kernel(self.Z(),X) # MxS Kuf = self.kernel(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) # MxM Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2) v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf L = self._cholesky( + self.eye) # MxM; (Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2)/sigma^2 + I)^(1/2) a = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kus,upper=False) # MxS; Kuu^(-1/2).Kus b = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,a,upper=False) # MxS; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kus c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False)/self.likelihood.scale().square() # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y # mu = sigma^(-2).Ksu.Kuu^(-1/2).(sigma^(-2).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y mu = # Mx1 if self.mean is not None: mu += self.mean(X).reshape(-1,1) # Mx1 # var = Kss - Qsf.(Qff + sigma^2 I)^(-1).Qfs # below is the equivalent but more stable version by using the matrix inversion lemma # var = Kss - Ksu.Kuu^(-1).Kus + Ksu.Kuu^(-1/2).(sigma^(-2).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) + I)^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kus if full: Kss = self.kernel(X) # MxM var = Kss - + # MxM else: Kss_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(X) # M var = Kss_diag - a.T.square().sum(dim=1) + b.T.square().sum(dim=1) # M var = var.reshape(-1,1) return mu, var
- Model
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def elbo(self)
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def elbo(self): if self.mean is not None: y = self.y - self.mean(self.X).reshape(-1,1) # Nx1 else: y = self.y # Nx1 Kff_diag = self.kernel.K_diag(self.X) # N Kuf = self.kernel(self.Z(),self.X) # MxN Kuu = self.kernel(self.Z()) # MxM Luu = self._cholesky(Kuu, add_jitter=True) # MxM; Kuu^(1/2) v = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(Luu,Kuf,upper=False) # MxN; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf Q = # MxM; Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.Kfu.Kuu^(-1/2) L = self._cholesky(Q/self.likelihood.scale().square() + self.eye) # MxM; (Q/sigma^2 + I)^(1/2) c = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(L,,upper=False)/self.likelihood.scale().square() # Mx1; L^(-1).Kuu^(-1/2).Kuf.y # p = log N(0, Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf + I/sigma^2) - 1/(2.sigma^2).Trace(Kff - Kfu.Kuu^(-1).Kuf) p = -self.log_marginal_likelihood_constant p -= L.diagonal().log().sum() # 0.5 is taken as the square root of L p -= self.X.shape[0]*self.likelihood.scale().log() p -= 0.5* p += 0.5* p -= 0.5*(Kff_diag.sum() - Q.trace())/self.likelihood.scale().square() # trace return p
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