Module mogptk.gpr.multioutput
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import torch
import numpy as np
from . import MultiOutputKernel, Parameter, config
class IndependentMultiOutputKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Kernel with subkernels for each channels independently. Only the subkernels as block matrices on the diagonal are calculated, there is no correlation between channels.
kernels (list of Kernel): Kernels of shape (output_dims,).
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
def __init__(self, *kernels, output_dims=None):
if output_dims is None:
output_dims = len(kernels)
self.kernels = torch.nn.ModuleList(self._check_kernels(kernels, output_dims))
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.kernels[key]
def name(self):
names = [ for kernel in self.kernels]
return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names))
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
if i == j:
return self.kernels[i].K(X1, X2)
if X2 is None:
X2 = X1
return torch.zeros(X1.shape[0], X2.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, _ = self._active_input(X1)
return self.kernels[i].K_diag(X1)
class MultiOutputSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Multi-output spectral kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(MultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`.
$$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi_{ij}) $$
$$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$
$$ w_{ij} = w_iw_j\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$
$$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$
$$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$
with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,).
mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
[1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017
def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
# TODO: incorporate mixtures?
# TODO: allow different input_dims per channel
weight = torch.ones(output_dims)
mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims)
delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
phase = torch.zeros(output_dims)
self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.delay = Parameter(delay)
self.phase = Parameter(phase)
if output_dims == 1:
self.delay.train = False
self.phase.train = False
self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(input_dims)/2.0)
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
if i == j:
variance = self.variance()[i]
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5*torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM
return alpha * exp * cos
inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D
diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D
magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j]*torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar
mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D
variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D
delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D
phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar
alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase)) # NxM
return alpha * exp * cos
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
variance = self.variance()[i]
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # scalar
return alpha.repeat(X1.shape[0])
class MultiOutputSpectralMixtureKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Multi-output spectral mixture kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1].
$$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\sum_{q=0}^Q\\alpha_{ijq} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})^T\\Sigma_{ijq}(\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})^T\\mu_{ijq} + \\phi_{ijq}) $$
$$ \\alpha_{ijq} = w_{ijq}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ijq}|\\right)} $$
$$ w_{ijq} = w_{iq}w_{jq}\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_{iq}-\\mu_{jq})^T(\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\\mu_{iq}-\\mu_{jq})\\right) $$
$$ \\mu_{ijq} = (\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\\Sigma_{iq}\\mu_{jq} + \\Sigma_{jq}\\mu_{iq}) $$
$$ \\Sigma_{ijq} = 2\\Sigma_{iq}(\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}\\Sigma_{jq}$$
with \\(\\theta_{ijq} = \\theta_{iq}-\\theta_{jq}\\), \\(\\phi_{ijq} = \\phi_{iq}-\\phi_{jq}\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase.
Q (int): Number mixture components.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,Q).
mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,Q).
[1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017
def __init__(self, Q, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
# TODO: allow different input_dims per channel
weight = torch.ones(output_dims, Q)
mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q, input_dims)
variance = torch.ones(output_dims, Q, input_dims)
delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q, input_dims)
phase = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q)
self.input_dims = input_dims
self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.delay = Parameter(delay)
self.phase = Parameter(phase)
if output_dims == 1:
self.delay.train = False
self.phase.train = False
self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(self.input_dims)/2.0)
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
if i == j:
variance = self.variance()[i] # QxD
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # Q
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.einsum("nmd,qd->qnm", tau**2, variance)) # QxNxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.einsum("nmd,qd->qnm", tau, self.mean()[i])) # QxNxM
Kq = alpha[:,None,None] * exp * cos # QxNxM
inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # QxD
diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # QxD
magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j]*torch.exp(-np.pi**2 * torch.sum(diff_mean*inv_variances*diff_mean, dim=1)) # Q
mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # QxD
variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # QxD
delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # QxD
phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # Q
alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # Q
tau_delay = tau[None,:,:,:] + delay[:,None,None,:] # QxNxMxD
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.einsum("qnmd,qd->qnm", (tau_delay)**2, variance)) # QxNxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.einsum("qnmd,qd->qnm", tau_delay, mean) + phase[:,None,None])) # QxNxM
Kq = alpha[:,None,None] * exp * cos # QxNxM
return torch.sum(Kq, dim=0)
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
variance = self.variance()[i]
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # Q
return torch.sum(alpha).repeat(X1.shape[0])
class UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Uncoupled multi-output spectral kernel (uMOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel. It is similar to the MOSM kernel but instead of training a weight per channel, we train the lower triangular of the weight between all channels. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`.
$$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi_{ij}) $$
$$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$
$$ w_{ij} = \\sigma_{ij}^2\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$
$$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$
$$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$
with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(\\sigma\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of the lower-triangular of shape (output_dims,output_dims).
mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
weight = torch.ones(output_dims, output_dims).tril()
mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims)
delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
phase = torch.zeros(output_dims)
self.weight = Parameter(weight)
self.weight.num_parameters = int((output_dims*output_dims+output_dims)/2)
self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.delay = Parameter(delay)
self.phase = Parameter(phase)
if output_dims == 1:
self.delay.train = False
self.phase.train = False
self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(input_dims)/2.0)
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
magnitude = self.weight().tril().mm(self.weight().tril().T)
if i == j:
variance = self.variance()[i]
alpha = magnitude[i,i] * self.twopi * # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5*torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM
return alpha * exp * cos
inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D
diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D
magnitude = magnitude[i,j] * torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar
mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D
variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D
delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D
phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar
alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase) # NxM
return alpha * exp * cos
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
magnitude = self.weight().tril().mm(self.weight().tril().T)
variance = self.variance()[i]
alpha = magnitude[i,i] * self.twopi * # scalar
return alpha.repeat(X1.shape[0])
class MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Multi-output harmonizable spectral kernel (MOHSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`.
$$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi) \\exp\\left(-\\frac{l_{ij}}{2}|\\bar{x}-c|\\right) $$
$$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}(2\\pi)^n\\sqrt{\\left(|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$
$$ w_{ij} = w_iw_j\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$
$$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$
$$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$
with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(\\bar{x} = |x+x'|/2\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(l\\) the lengthscale, \\(c\\) the center, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,).
mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
lengthscale (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Lengthscale \\(l\\) of shape (output_dims,).
center (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Center \\(c\\) of shape (input_dims,).
delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
[1] M. Altamirano, "Nonstationary Multi-Output Gaussian Processes via Harmonizable Spectral Mixtures, 2021
def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
# TODO: incorporate mixtures?
# TODO: allow different input_dims per channel
weight = torch.ones(output_dims)
mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims)
lengthscale = torch.ones(output_dims)
center = torch.zeros(input_dims)
delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims)
phase = torch.zeros(output_dims)
self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.lengthscale = Parameter(lengthscale, lower=config.positive_minimum) = Parameter(center)
self.delay = Parameter(delay)
self.phase = Parameter(phase)
if output_dims == 1:
self.delay.train = False
self.phase.train = False
self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi, float(self.input_dims))
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
avg = self.average(X1,X2) # NxMxD
if i == j:
variance = self.variance()[i]
lengthscale = self.lengthscale()[i]**2
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * * torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(), float(self.input_dims)) # scalar
exp1 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0 * np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM
return alpha * exp1 * cos * exp2
lengthscale_i = self.lengthscale()[i]**2
lengthscale_j = self.lengthscale()[j]**2
inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D
inv_lengthscale = 1.0/(lengthscale_i + lengthscale_j) # D
diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D
magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j] * torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar
mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D
variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D
lengthscale = 2.0 * lengthscale_i * inv_lengthscale * lengthscale_j # D
delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D
phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar
alpha = magnitude * self.twopi **torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(),float(self.input_dims)) # scalar
exp1 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM
exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM
cos = torch.cos(2.0 * np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase) # NxM
return alpha * exp1 * cos * exp2
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, _ = self._active_input(X1)
variance = self.variance()[i]
lengthscale = self.lengthscale()[i]**2
alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * * torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(), float(self.input_dims)) # scalar
exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM
return alpha * exp2
class CrossSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Cross Spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(CrossSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`.
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
Rq (int): Number of subcomponents.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
amplitude (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Amplitude \\(\\sigma^2\\) of shape (output_dims,Rq).
mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (input_dims,).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (input_dims,).
shift (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Shift \\(\\phi\\) of shape (output_dims,Rq).
[1] K.R. Ulrich et al, "GP Kernels for Cross-Spectrum Analysis", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015
def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, Rq=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
amplitude = torch.ones(output_dims, Rq)
mean = torch.zeros(input_dims)
variance = torch.ones(input_dims)
shift = torch.zeros(output_dims, Rq)
self.amplitude = Parameter(amplitude, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.shift = Parameter(shift)
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
if i == j:
# put Rq into third dimension and sum at the end
amplitude = self.amplitude()[i].reshape(1,1,-1) # 1x1xRq
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, self.variance(), dims=1)).unsqueeze(2) # NxMx1
# the following cos is as written in the paper, instead we take phi out of the product with the mean
#cos = torch.cos(torch.tensordot(tau.unsqueeze(2), self.mean(), dims=1))
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean(), dims=1).unsqueeze(2)) # NxMxRq
return torch.sum(amplitude * exp * cos, dim=2)
shift = self.shift()[i] - self.shift()[j] # Rq
# put Rq into third dimension and sum at the end
amplitude = torch.sqrt(self.amplitude()[i]*self.amplitude()[j]).reshape(1,1,-1) # 1x1xRq
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, self.variance(), dims=1)).unsqueeze(2) # NxMx1
# the following cos is as written in the paper, instead we take phi out of the product with the mean
#cos = torch.cos(torch.tensordot(tau.unsqueeze(2) + shift.reshape(1,1,-1,1), self.mean(), dims=1))
cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean(), dims=1).unsqueeze(2) + shift.reshape(1,1,-1))) # NxMxRq
return torch.sum(amplitude * exp * cos, dim=2)
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
amplitude = self.amplitude()[i].sum()
return amplitude.repeat(X1.shape[0])
class LinearModelOfCoregionalizationKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Linear model of coregionalization kernel (LMC) as proposed by [1].
kernels (list of Kernel): Kernels of shape (Q,).
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
Q (int): Number of components.
Rq (int): Number of subcomponents.
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,Rq).
[1] P. Goovaerts, "Geostatistics for Natural Resource Evaluation", Oxford University Press, 1997
def __init__(self, *kernels, output_dims, input_dims=1, Q=None, Rq=1):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims)
if Q is None:
Q = len(kernels)
kernels = self._check_kernels(kernels, Q)
weight = torch.ones(output_dims, Q, Rq)
self.kernels = torch.nn.ModuleList(kernels)
self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.kernels[key]
def name(self):
names = [ for kernel in self.kernels]
return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names))
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
magnitude = torch.sum(self.weight()[i] * self.weight()[j], dim=1) # Q
kernels = torch.stack([kernel.K(X1,X2) for kernel in self.kernels], dim=2) # NxMxQ
return torch.tensordot(kernels, magnitude, dims=1)
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, _ = self._active_input(X1)
magnitude = torch.sum(self.weight()[i]**2, dim=1) # Q
kernels = torch.stack([kernel.K_diag(X1) for kernel in self.kernels], dim=1) # NxQ
return torch.tensordot(kernels, magnitude, dims=1)
class GaussianConvolutionProcessKernel(MultiOutputKernel):
Gaussian convolution process kernel (CONV) as proposed by [1].
output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions.
input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions.
active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,).
variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
base_variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Base variance \\(\\Sigma_0\\) of shape (input_dims,).
[1] M.A. Álvarez and N.D. Lawrence, "Sparse Convolved Multiple Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2009
def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None):
super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims)
weight = torch.ones(output_dims)
variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims)
base_variance = torch.ones(input_dims)
self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum)
self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=0.0)
self.base_variance = Parameter(base_variance, lower=config.positive_minimum)
def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2)
tau = self.squared_distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD
# differences with the thesis from Parra is that it lacks a multiplication of 2*pi, lacks a minus in the exponencial function, and doesn't write the variance matrices as inverted
if X2 is None:
variances = 2.0*self.variance()[i] + self.base_variance() # D
magnitude = self.weight()[i]**2 * torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau, 1.0/variances, dims=1)) # NxM
return magnitude * exp
variances = self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j] + self.base_variance() # D
weight_variance = torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar
magnitude = self.weight()[i] * self.weight()[j] * weight_variance # scalar
exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau, 1.0/variances, dims=1)) # NxM
return magnitude * exp
def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1):
# X has shape (data_points,input_dims)
variances = 2.0*self.variance()[i] + self.base_variance() # D
magnitude = self.weight()[i]**2 * torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar
return magnitude.repeat(X1.shape[0])
class CrossSpectralKernel (output_dims, input_dims=1, Rq=1, active_dims=None)
Cross Spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with
MixtureKernel(CrossSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Number of subcomponents.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Amplitude \sigma^2 of shape (output_dims,Rq).
- Mean \mu of shape (input_dims,).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (input_dims,).
- Shift \phi of shape (output_dims,Rq).
[1] K.R. Ulrich et al, "GP Kernels for Cross-Spectrum Analysis", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class CrossSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Cross Spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(CrossSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`. Args: output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. Rq (int): Number of subcomponents. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: amplitude (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Amplitude \\(\\sigma^2\\) of shape (output_dims,Rq). mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (input_dims,). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (input_dims,). shift (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Shift \\(\\phi\\) of shape (output_dims,Rq). [1] K.R. Ulrich et al, "GP Kernels for Cross-Spectrum Analysis", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015 """ def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, Rq=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) amplitude = torch.ones(output_dims, Rq) mean = torch.zeros(input_dims) variance = torch.ones(input_dims) shift = torch.zeros(output_dims, Rq) self.amplitude = Parameter(amplitude, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.shift = Parameter(shift) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD if i == j: # put Rq into third dimension and sum at the end amplitude = self.amplitude()[i].reshape(1,1,-1) # 1x1xRq exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, self.variance(), dims=1)).unsqueeze(2) # NxMx1 # the following cos is as written in the paper, instead we take phi out of the product with the mean #cos = torch.cos(torch.tensordot(tau.unsqueeze(2), self.mean(), dims=1)) cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean(), dims=1).unsqueeze(2)) # NxMxRq return torch.sum(amplitude * exp * cos, dim=2) else: shift = self.shift()[i] - self.shift()[j] # Rq # put Rq into third dimension and sum at the end amplitude = torch.sqrt(self.amplitude()[i]*self.amplitude()[j]).reshape(1,1,-1) # 1x1xRq exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, self.variance(), dims=1)).unsqueeze(2) # NxMx1 # the following cos is as written in the paper, instead we take phi out of the product with the mean #cos = torch.cos(torch.tensordot(tau.unsqueeze(2) + shift.reshape(1,1,-1,1), self.mean(), dims=1)) cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean(), dims=1).unsqueeze(2) + shift.reshape(1,1,-1))) # NxMxRq return torch.sum(amplitude * exp * cos, dim=2) def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) amplitude = self.amplitude()[i].sum() return amplitude.repeat(X1.shape[0])
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class GaussianConvolutionProcessKernel (output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None)
Gaussian convolution process kernel (CONV) as proposed by [1].
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Weight w of shape (output_dims,).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Base variance \Sigma_0 of shape (input_dims,).
[1] M.A. Álvarez and N.D. Lawrence, "Sparse Convolved Multiple Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2009
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class GaussianConvolutionProcessKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Gaussian convolution process kernel (CONV) as proposed by [1]. Args: output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). base_variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Base variance \\(\\Sigma_0\\) of shape (input_dims,). [1] M.A. Álvarez and N.D. Lawrence, "Sparse Convolved Multiple Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2009 """ def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) weight = torch.ones(output_dims) variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims) base_variance = torch.ones(input_dims) self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=0.0) self.base_variance = Parameter(base_variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.squared_distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD # differences with the thesis from Parra is that it lacks a multiplication of 2*pi, lacks a minus in the exponencial function, and doesn't write the variance matrices as inverted if X2 is None: variances = 2.0*self.variance()[i] + self.base_variance() # D magnitude = self.weight()[i]**2 * torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau, 1.0/variances, dims=1)) # NxM return magnitude * exp else: variances = self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j] + self.base_variance() # D weight_variance = torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar magnitude = self.weight()[i] * self.weight()[j] * weight_variance # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau, 1.0/variances, dims=1)) # NxM return magnitude * exp def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) variances = 2.0*self.variance()[i] + self.base_variance() # D magnitude = self.weight()[i]**2 * torch.sqrt(self.base_variance().prod()/ # scalar return magnitude.repeat(X1.shape[0])
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class IndependentMultiOutputKernel (*kernels, output_dims=None)
Kernel with subkernels for each channels independently. Only the subkernels as block matrices on the diagonal are calculated, there is no correlation between channels.
- Kernels of shape (output_dims,).
- Number of output dimensions.
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class IndependentMultiOutputKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Kernel with subkernels for each channels independently. Only the subkernels as block matrices on the diagonal are calculated, there is no correlation between channels. Args: kernels (list of Kernel): Kernels of shape (output_dims,). output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. """ def __init__(self, *kernels, output_dims=None): if output_dims is None: output_dims = len(kernels) super().__init__(output_dims) self.kernels = torch.nn.ModuleList(self._check_kernels(kernels, output_dims)) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.kernels[key] def name(self): names = [ for kernel in self.kernels] return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names)) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) if i == j: return self.kernels[i].K(X1, X2) else: if X2 is None: X2 = X1 return torch.zeros(X1.shape[0], X2.shape[0], device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype) def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, _ = self._active_input(X1) return self.kernels[i].K_diag(X1)
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def name(self)
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def name(self): names = [ for kernel in self.kernels] return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names))
Inherited members
class LinearModelOfCoregionalizationKernel (*kernels, output_dims, input_dims=1, Q=None, Rq=1)
Linear model of coregionalization kernel (LMC) as proposed by [1].
- Kernels of shape (Q,).
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Number of components.
- Number of subcomponents.
- Weight w of shape (output_dims,Q,Rq).
[1] P. Goovaerts, "Geostatistics for Natural Resource Evaluation", Oxford University Press, 1997
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class LinearModelOfCoregionalizationKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Linear model of coregionalization kernel (LMC) as proposed by [1]. Args: kernels (list of Kernel): Kernels of shape (Q,). output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. Q (int): Number of components. Rq (int): Number of subcomponents. Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,Rq). [1] P. Goovaerts, "Geostatistics for Natural Resource Evaluation", Oxford University Press, 1997 """ def __init__(self, *kernels, output_dims, input_dims=1, Q=None, Rq=1): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims) if Q is None: Q = len(kernels) kernels = self._check_kernels(kernels, Q) weight = torch.ones(output_dims, Q, Rq) self.kernels = torch.nn.ModuleList(kernels) self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.kernels[key] def name(self): names = [ for kernel in self.kernels] return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names)) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) magnitude = torch.sum(self.weight()[i] * self.weight()[j], dim=1) # Q kernels = torch.stack([kernel.K(X1,X2) for kernel in self.kernels], dim=2) # NxMxQ return torch.tensordot(kernels, magnitude, dims=1) def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, _ = self._active_input(X1) magnitude = torch.sum(self.weight()[i]**2, dim=1) # Q kernels = torch.stack([kernel.K_diag(X1) for kernel in self.kernels], dim=1) # NxQ return torch.tensordot(kernels, magnitude, dims=1)
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def name(self)
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def name(self): names = [ for kernel in self.kernels] return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(names))
Inherited members
class MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel (output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None)
Multi-output harmonizable spectral kernel (MOHSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with
MixtureKernel(MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)
.K_{ij}(x,x') = \alpha_{ij} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\Sigma_{ij}(\tau+\theta_{ij})\right) \cos((\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\mu_{ij} + \phi) \exp\left(-\frac{l_{ij}}{2}|\bar{x}-c|\right)
\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}(2\pi)^n\sqrt{\left(|\Sigma_{ij}|\right)}
w_{ij} = w_iw_j\exp\left(-\frac{1}{4}(\mu_i-\mu_j)^T(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\mu_i-\mu_j)\right)
\mu_{ij} = (\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\Sigma_i\mu_j + \Sigma_j\mu_i)
\Sigma_{ij} = 2\Sigma_i(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}\Sigma_j
with \theta_{ij} = \theta_i-\theta_j, \phi_{ij} = \phi_i - \phi_j, \tau = |x-x'|, \bar{x} = |x+x'|/2, w the weight, \mu the mean, \Sigma the variance, l the lengthscale, c the center, \theta the delay, and \phi the phase.
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Weight w of shape (output_dims,).
- Mean \mu of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Lengthscale l of shape (output_dims,).
- Center c of shape (input_dims,).
- Delay \theta of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Phase \phi in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
[1] M. Altamirano, "Nonstationary Multi-Output Gaussian Processes via Harmonizable Spectral Mixtures, 2021
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Multi-output harmonizable spectral kernel (MOHSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(MultiOutputHarmonizableSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`. $$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi) \\exp\\left(-\\frac{l_{ij}}{2}|\\bar{x}-c|\\right) $$ $$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}(2\\pi)^n\\sqrt{\\left(|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$ $$ w_{ij} = w_iw_j\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$ $$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$ $$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$ with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(\\bar{x} = |x+x'|/2\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(l\\) the lengthscale, \\(c\\) the center, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase. Args: output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,). mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). lengthscale (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Lengthscale \\(l\\) of shape (output_dims,). center (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Center \\(c\\) of shape (input_dims,). delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,). [1] M. Altamirano, "Nonstationary Multi-Output Gaussian Processes via Harmonizable Spectral Mixtures, 2021 """ def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) # TODO: incorporate mixtures? # TODO: allow different input_dims per channel weight = torch.ones(output_dims) mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims) lengthscale = torch.ones(output_dims) center = torch.zeros(input_dims) delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) phase = torch.zeros(output_dims) self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.lengthscale = Parameter(lengthscale, lower=config.positive_minimum) = Parameter(center) self.delay = Parameter(delay) self.phase = Parameter(phase) if output_dims == 1: self.delay.train = False self.phase.train = False self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi, float(self.input_dims)) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD avg = self.average(X1,X2) # NxMxD if i == j: variance = self.variance()[i] lengthscale = self.lengthscale()[i]**2 alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * * torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(), float(self.input_dims)) # scalar exp1 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0 * np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM return alpha * exp1 * cos * exp2 else: lengthscale_i = self.lengthscale()[i]**2 lengthscale_j = self.lengthscale()[j]**2 inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D inv_lengthscale = 1.0/(lengthscale_i + lengthscale_j) # D diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j] * torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D lengthscale = 2.0 * lengthscale_i * inv_lengthscale * lengthscale_j # D delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar alpha = magnitude * self.twopi **torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(),float(self.input_dims)) # scalar exp1 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0 * np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase) # NxM return alpha * exp1 * cos * exp2 def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, _ = self._active_input(X1) variance = self.variance()[i] lengthscale = self.lengthscale()[i]**2 alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * * torch.pow(lengthscale.sqrt(), float(self.input_dims)) # scalar exp2 = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((**2, lengthscale*torch.ones(self.input_dims, device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype), dims=1)) # NxM return alpha * exp2
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class MultiOutputSpectralKernel (output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None)
Multi-output spectral kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with
MixtureKernel(MultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)
.K_{ij}(x,x') = \alpha_{ij} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\Sigma_{ij}(\tau+\theta_{ij})\right) \cos((\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\mu_{ij} + \phi_{ij})
\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\sqrt{\left((2\pi)^n|\Sigma_{ij}|\right)}
w_{ij} = w_iw_j\exp\left(-\frac{1}{4}(\mu_i-\mu_j)^T(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\mu_i-\mu_j)\right)
\mu_{ij} = (\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\Sigma_i\mu_j + \Sigma_j\mu_i)
\Sigma_{ij} = 2\Sigma_i(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}\Sigma_j
with \theta_{ij} = \theta_i-\theta_j, \phi_{ij} = \phi_i - \phi_j, \tau = |x-x'|, w the weight, \mu the mean, \Sigma the variance, \theta the delay, and \phi the phase.
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Weight w of shape (output_dims,).
- Mean \mu of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Delay \theta of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Phase \phi in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
[1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class MultiOutputSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Multi-output spectral kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(MultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`. $$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi_{ij}) $$ $$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$ $$ w_{ij} = w_iw_j\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$ $$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$ $$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$ with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase. Args: output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,). mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,). [1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017 """ def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) # TODO: incorporate mixtures? # TODO: allow different input_dims per channel weight = torch.ones(output_dims) mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims) delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) phase = torch.zeros(output_dims) self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.delay = Parameter(delay) self.phase = Parameter(phase) if output_dims == 1: self.delay.train = False self.phase.train = False self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(input_dims)/2.0) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD if i == j: variance = self.variance()[i] alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5*torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM return alpha * exp * cos else: inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j]*torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase)) # NxM return alpha * exp * cos def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) variance = self.variance()[i] alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # scalar return alpha.repeat(X1.shape[0])
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class MultiOutputSpectralMixtureKernel (Q, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None)
Multi-output spectral mixture kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1].
K_{ij}(x,x') = \sum_{q=0}^Q\alpha_{ijq} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau+\theta_{ijq})^T\Sigma_{ijq}(\tau+\theta_{ijq})\right) \cos((\tau+\theta_{ijq})^T\mu_{ijq} + \phi_{ijq})
\alpha_{ijq} = w_{ijq}\sqrt{\left((2\pi)^n|\Sigma_{ijq}|\right)}
w_{ijq} = w_{iq}w_{jq}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{4}(\mu_{iq}-\mu_{jq})^T(\Sigma_{iq}+\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\mu_{iq}-\mu_{jq})\right)
\mu_{ijq} = (\Sigma_{iq}+\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\Sigma_{iq}\mu_{jq} + \Sigma_{jq}\mu_{iq})
\Sigma_{ijq} = 2\Sigma_{iq}(\Sigma_{iq}+\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}\Sigma_{jq}
with \theta_{ijq} = \theta_{iq}-\theta_{jq}, \phi_{ijq} = \phi_{iq}-\phi_{jq}, \tau = |x-x'|, w the weight, \mu the mean, \Sigma the variance, \theta the delay, and \phi the phase.
- Number mixture components.
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Weight w of shape (output_dims,Q).
- Mean \mu of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
- Delay \theta of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims).
- Phase \phi in hertz of shape (output_dims,Q).
[1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class MultiOutputSpectralMixtureKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Multi-output spectral mixture kernel (MOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel as proposed by [1]. $$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\sum_{q=0}^Q\\alpha_{ijq} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})^T\\Sigma_{ijq}(\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ijq})^T\\mu_{ijq} + \\phi_{ijq}) $$ $$ \\alpha_{ijq} = w_{ijq}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ijq}|\\right)} $$ $$ w_{ijq} = w_{iq}w_{jq}\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_{iq}-\\mu_{jq})^T(\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\\mu_{iq}-\\mu_{jq})\\right) $$ $$ \\mu_{ijq} = (\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}(\\Sigma_{iq}\\mu_{jq} + \\Sigma_{jq}\\mu_{iq}) $$ $$ \\Sigma_{ijq} = 2\\Sigma_{iq}(\\Sigma_{iq}+\\Sigma_{jq})^{-1}\\Sigma_{jq}$$ with \\(\\theta_{ijq} = \\theta_{iq}-\\theta_{jq}\\), \\(\\phi_{ijq} = \\phi_{iq}-\\phi_{jq}\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(w\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase. Args: Q (int): Number mixture components. output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of shape (output_dims,Q). mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims). delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,Q,input_dims). phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,Q). [1] G. Parra and F. Tobar, "Spectral Mixture Kernels for Multi-Output Gaussian Processes", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2017 """ def __init__(self, Q, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) # TODO: allow different input_dims per channel weight = torch.ones(output_dims, Q) mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q, input_dims) variance = torch.ones(output_dims, Q, input_dims) delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q, input_dims) phase = torch.zeros(output_dims, Q) self.input_dims = input_dims self.weight = Parameter(weight, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.delay = Parameter(delay) self.phase = Parameter(phase) if output_dims == 1: self.delay.train = False self.phase.train = False self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(self.input_dims)/2.0) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD if i == j: variance = self.variance()[i] # QxD alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # Q exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.einsum("nmd,qd->qnm", tau**2, variance)) # QxNxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.einsum("nmd,qd->qnm", tau, self.mean()[i])) # QxNxM Kq = alpha[:,None,None] * exp * cos # QxNxM else: inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # QxD diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # QxD magnitude = self.weight()[i]*self.weight()[j]*torch.exp(-np.pi**2 * torch.sum(diff_mean*inv_variances*diff_mean, dim=1)) # Q mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # QxD variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # QxD delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # QxD phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # Q alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # Q tau_delay = tau[None,:,:,:] + delay[:,None,None,:] # QxNxMxD exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.einsum("qnmd,qd->qnm", (tau_delay)**2, variance)) # QxNxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * (torch.einsum("qnmd,qd->qnm", tau_delay, mean) + phase[:,None,None])) # QxNxM Kq = alpha[:,None,None] * exp * cos # QxNxM return torch.sum(Kq, dim=0) def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) variance = self.variance()[i] alpha = self.weight()[i]**2 * self.twopi * # Q return torch.sum(alpha).repeat(X1.shape[0])
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Inherited members
class UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel (output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None)
Uncoupled multi-output spectral kernel (uMOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel. It is similar to the MOSM kernel but instead of training a weight per channel, we train the lower triangular of the weight between all channels. You can add the mixture kernel with
MixtureKernel(UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)
.K_{ij}(x,x') = \alpha_{ij} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\Sigma_{ij}(\tau+\theta_{ij})\right) \cos((\tau+\theta_{ij})^T\mu_{ij} + \phi_{ij})
\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\sqrt{\left((2\pi)^n|\Sigma_{ij}|\right)}
w_{ij} = \sigma_{ij}^2\exp\left(-\frac{1}{4}(\mu_i-\mu_j)^T(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\mu_i-\mu_j)\right)
\mu_{ij} = (\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\Sigma_i\mu_j + \Sigma_j\mu_i)
\Sigma_{ij} = 2\Sigma_i(\Sigma_i+\Sigma_j)^{-1}\Sigma_j
with \theta_{ij} = \theta_i-\theta_j, \phi_{ij} = \phi_i - \phi_j, \tau = |x-x'|, \sigma the weight, \mu the mean, \Sigma the variance, \theta the delay, and \phi the phase.
- Number of output dimensions.
- Number of input dimensions.
- Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,).
- Weight w of the lower-triangular of shape (output_dims,output_dims).
- Mean \mu of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Variance \Sigma of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Delay \theta of shape (output_dims,input_dims).
- Phase \phi in hertz of shape (output_dims,).
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel(MultiOutputKernel): """ Uncoupled multi-output spectral kernel (uMOSM) where each channel and cross-channel is modelled with a spectral kernel. It is similar to the MOSM kernel but instead of training a weight per channel, we train the lower triangular of the weight between all channels. You can add the mixture kernel with `MixtureKernel(UncoupledMultiOutputSpectralKernel(...), Q=3)`. $$ K_{ij}(x,x') = \\alpha_{ij} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\Sigma_{ij}(\\tau+\\theta_{ij})\\right) \\cos((\\tau+\\theta_{ij})^T\\mu_{ij} + \\phi_{ij}) $$ $$ \\alpha_{ij} = w_{ij}\\sqrt{\\left((2\\pi)^n|\\Sigma_{ij}|\\right)} $$ $$ w_{ij} = \\sigma_{ij}^2\\exp\\left(-\\frac{1}{4}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)^T(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\mu_i-\\mu_j)\\right) $$ $$ \\mu_{ij} = (\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}(\\Sigma_i\\mu_j + \\Sigma_j\\mu_i) $$ $$ \\Sigma_{ij} = 2\\Sigma_i(\\Sigma_i+\\Sigma_j)^{-1}\\Sigma_j$$ with \\(\\theta_{ij} = \\theta_i-\\theta_j\\), \\(\\phi_{ij} = \\phi_i - \\phi_j\\), \\(\\tau = |x-x'|\\), \\(\\sigma\\) the weight, \\(\\mu\\) the mean, \\(\\Sigma\\) the variance, \\(\\theta\\) the delay, and \\(\\phi\\) the phase. Args: output_dims (int): Number of output dimensions. input_dims (int): Number of input dimensions. active_dims (list of int): Indices of active dimensions of shape (input_dims,). Attributes: weight (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Weight \\(w\\) of the lower-triangular of shape (output_dims,output_dims). mean (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Mean \\(\\mu\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). variance (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Variance \\(\\Sigma\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). delay (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Delay \\(\\theta\\) of shape (output_dims,input_dims). phase (mogptk.gpr.parameter.Parameter): Phase \\(\\phi\\) in hertz of shape (output_dims,). """ def __init__(self, output_dims, input_dims=1, active_dims=None): super().__init__(output_dims, input_dims, active_dims) weight = torch.ones(output_dims, output_dims).tril() mean = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) variance = torch.ones(output_dims, input_dims) delay = torch.zeros(output_dims, input_dims) phase = torch.zeros(output_dims) self.weight = Parameter(weight) self.weight.num_parameters = int((output_dims*output_dims+output_dims)/2) self.mean = Parameter(mean, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.variance = Parameter(variance, lower=config.positive_minimum) self.delay = Parameter(delay) self.phase = Parameter(phase) if output_dims == 1: self.delay.train = False self.phase.train = False self.twopi = np.power(2.0*np.pi,float(input_dims)/2.0) def Ksub(self, i, j, X1, X2=None): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) X1, X2 = self._active_input(X1, X2) tau = self.distance(X1,X2) # NxMxD magnitude = self.weight().tril().mm(self.weight().tril().T) if i == j: variance = self.variance()[i] alpha = magnitude[i,i] * self.twopi * # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5*torch.tensordot(tau**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau, self.mean()[i], dims=1)) # NxM return alpha * exp * cos else: inv_variances = 1.0/(self.variance()[i] + self.variance()[j]) # D diff_mean = self.mean()[i] - self.mean()[j] # D magnitude = magnitude[i,j] * torch.exp(-np.pi**2 **diff_mean)) # scalar mean = inv_variances * (self.variance()[i]*self.mean()[j] + self.variance()[j]*self.mean()[i]) # D variance = 2.0 * self.variance()[i] * inv_variances * self.variance()[j] # D delay = self.delay()[i] - self.delay()[j] # D phase = self.phase()[i] - self.phase()[j] # scalar alpha = magnitude * self.twopi * # scalar exp = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.tensordot((tau+delay)**2, variance, dims=1)) # NxM cos = torch.cos(2.0*np.pi * torch.tensordot(tau+delay, mean, dims=1) + phase) # NxM return alpha * exp * cos def Ksub_diag(self, i, X1): # X has shape (data_points,input_dims) magnitude = self.weight().tril().mm(self.weight().tril().T) variance = self.variance()[i] alpha = magnitude[i,i] * self.twopi * # scalar return alpha.repeat(X1.shape[0])
- MultiOutputKernel
- Kernel
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
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