Module mogptk.gpr.util

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import inspect
import torch

from .config import *
from .parameter import Parameter
from .model import Mean
from .kernel import Kernel
from .likelihood import Likelihood

def merge_data(xs, ys=None):
    if not isinstance(xs, list) or ys is not None and not isinstance(ys, list):
        raise ValueError("input must be a list of channels")
    output_dims = len(xs)
    if ys is not None and len(ys) != output_dims:
        raise ValueError("inputs must have the same number of output dimensions")
    N = [x.shape[0] for x in xs]
    if ys is not None and not all(y.shape[0] == N[i] for i, y in enumerate(ys)):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have the same number of data points per output dimension")

    n = 0
    X = torch.zeros((sum(N),1+xs[0].shape[1]), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
    if ys is not None:
        Y = torch.zeros((sum(N),1), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
    for channel, x in enumerate(xs):
        X[n:n+N[channel],0] = channel
        X[n:n+N[channel],1:] = x
        if ys is not None:
            Y[n:n+N[channel],:] = ys[channel]
        n += N[channel]
    if ys is not None:
        return N, X, Y
    return N, X

def split_data(N, *Xs):
    if not all(X.ndim == 2 for X in Xs):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have shape (data_points,dimensions)")
    if not all(X.shape[0] == sum(N) for X in Xs):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have number of data points that correspond to N")

    data = []
    for X in Xs:
        n = 0
        xs = []
        for channel in range(len(N)):
            n += N[channel]
    if len(data) == 1:
        return data[0]
    return (*data,)


def merge_data(xs, ys=None)
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def merge_data(xs, ys=None):
    if not isinstance(xs, list) or ys is not None and not isinstance(ys, list):
        raise ValueError("input must be a list of channels")
    output_dims = len(xs)
    if ys is not None and len(ys) != output_dims:
        raise ValueError("inputs must have the same number of output dimensions")
    N = [x.shape[0] for x in xs]
    if ys is not None and not all(y.shape[0] == N[i] for i, y in enumerate(ys)):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have the same number of data points per output dimension")

    n = 0
    X = torch.zeros((sum(N),1+xs[0].shape[1]), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
    if ys is not None:
        Y = torch.zeros((sum(N),1), device=config.device, dtype=config.dtype)
    for channel, x in enumerate(xs):
        X[n:n+N[channel],0] = channel
        X[n:n+N[channel],1:] = x
        if ys is not None:
            Y[n:n+N[channel],:] = ys[channel]
        n += N[channel]
    if ys is not None:
        return N, X, Y
    return N, X
def split_data(N, *Xs)
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def split_data(N, *Xs):
    if not all(X.ndim == 2 for X in Xs):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have shape (data_points,dimensions)")
    if not all(X.shape[0] == sum(N) for X in Xs):
        raise ValueError("inputs must have number of data points that correspond to N")

    data = []
    for X in Xs:
        n = 0
        xs = []
        for channel in range(len(N)):
            n += N[channel]
    if len(data) == 1:
        return data[0]
    return (*data,)